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Turmeric Shrimp Linguine


This turmeric shrimp linguine recipe caught my eye because I love all the ingredients but hadn’t seen them combined like this before. I don’t typically associate turmeric with pasta – or with shrimp, for that matter.

They proved to be a winning trio, helped along by shallots, ginger, and garlic. In fact, the next time I make this, I’ll probably add more of those aromatics for more intense flavor. The yogurt sauce adds beautiful creaminess and a slight tang, but I think it mutes the other ingredients a bit.

This is a dish with cumulative flavor – my first couple of bites were subdued, but as I ate, the tastes built upon themselves and became more pronounced. Next time, I would add a squeeze of lemon to brighten and heighten everything else. I’d also add the tomatoes earlier in the cooking time so they burst and release their juices into the sauce. A sprinkling of fresh parsley or cilantro wouldn’t hurt, either.

Overall, this is an excellent base recipe to add to my Mediterranean repertoire. I loved how quickly it came together (perfect for a weeknight), its bright colors (punchy yellow sauce with pops of orange-red tomatoes and streaks of velvety wilted greens), and how it was creamy yet light. This would be a great summer dinner with a crisp, flinty white wine to complement the shrimp.


David Leite

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