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Trump Said That He Is Thinking About Running For President on The American Nazi Party Ticket


Tuesday, 29 November 2022

DUCK DUNG, Alabama – (Satire News) – According to GOPicky Magazine, Donald “Butthole” Trump has finally come to the realization that the members of the GOP do not want anything to do with his predatorial stinking ass.

Amos Soursuckle with GOPicky has stated that the majority of Republicans simply want the Trumpturd to just go the fuck away.

Many former supporters of the bona-fide racist actually want President Biden to inititiate deportation proceedings so that Trump The Cuckold can simply be taken out of the country by force if need be.

The new Republicans are leaning towards Florida governor Rick “The Prick” DeSantis, Nikki “Plain Jane” Haley, Chris “The Human Volcano, Christie, or Ted
“Dracula” Cruz.


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