Trump: Ron DeSantis Would Be Working at a Law Firm “or Maybe a Pizza Hut” If Not for My Endorsement
One of Donald Trump’s big knocks on Ron DeSantis is that he, in the ex-president’s telling, is a little shit who hasn’t shown sufficient loyalty to the man who made him. “Ron came to me in desperate shape in 2017…when I endorsed him, it was as though…a nuclear weapon went off,” Trump told his Truth Social followers in November. “When I hear [DeSantis] might run, I consider that very disloyal,” he similarly fumed of the Florida governor’s potential candidacy in January. Trump even claimed in a February interview that DeSantis was elected Florida’s governor “because of me,” adding, “You remember, he had nothing, he was dead, he was leaving the race, he came over and he begged me, begged me, for an endorsement. He was getting ready to drop out…. He said, ‘If you endorse me, I’ll win,’ and there were tears coming down from his eyes.”
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Anyway, a little over a month later, Trump’s point of view hasn’t changed. Only now, he’s got…something approximating a stand-up routine about where DeSantis would be if not for his blessing.
“Right now he’d be working at a law office,” Trump recently told reporters aboard his plane, Trump Force One, according to Bloomberg. “Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz, and Schwartz. Where’s my fucking governor? Where’s my governor? Get him over here! He’s got 10 minutes or we’re gonna fire him. That’s what he’d be doing right now,” he said, reportedly laughing at his own joke. Later, he added: “Remember, this Ron DeSanctimonious would be right now working probably at a law firm or maybe a Pizza Hut.” On the same flight, he told the members of the press that he approved of the nickname “Tiny D” for the Florida governor, a knock at DeSantis’s height—and possibly the size of his genitals—that Trump has reportedly been considering deploying for some time now.
But while coming up with derogatory monikers for his opponents undoubtedly takes up significant amounts of his time, the ex-president is apparently keen to also pretend he’s a Serious Person with “policy” ideas.
Per NBC News
While an outside adviser who regularly speaks with Trump claimed the former guy is modeling his 2024 campaign on the 2016 one—and that he “doesn’t really revisit 2020 [campaign strategy]”—that may not be entirely true:
“President Trump has a lot of unfinished business,” Jason Miller, a senior campaign adviser, told NBC News. “He has a very clear vision for what he wants to do for a second term.” Considering the business he got into the last time around, that sounds like an extremely worrisome threat that the nation should avoid at all costs.
Bess Levin
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