Trump is now an Author – said author and London Journalist Basil Blathering.
(Basil’s book on Margaret Thatcher was called ‘Savage but Accurate.)
Trump just published a book of Letters to him from Dictator Kim of North Korea – Presidents Reagan and Clinton, Jay Leno – some other Billionaires, media star Oprah and even Princess Diana, etc. etc. .
(A friend in the Publishing business let see an advance copy.)
Trump treasures the Letters from the bloody dictator of North Korea (who has killed about 100, 000 people) – and feels he and Kim are real soulmates and ‘He writes such beautiful letters’ – Trump gushes.
Many of the Letters from the Men are replies about the quality of Burgers in their towns – where the best Burger Joints are etc. – or asking are there any Babes around he can be introduced to.
(Trump used to go through Babes like other Guys go through M and M’s. )
The Letter to Oprah complimented her on her buxom body – (Trump like a big Butt on a woman) – and lamented that they didn’t try for the Presidency in 2000 as ‘we would have been a great Team’.
(Him being a Genius and her with the big Money.)
He even included a brief letter from lady Di – in response to his Letter saying.. ‘I heard you just got Divorced’.
(Trump’s comment on that letter was ‘Nothing ventured – nothing gained’. )
Anyway if you want to know the real Trump (Yech!) – and have $99 dollars – read his Comments on all the Letters these guy Forgot they had sent him.
In some way it reads like the school report of a sixth grader.
But for the fanatical Trump – Head – a Must Read.