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Trump has just been named to sit on the board of directors of The Proud Boys


In a move that has surprised even most of the die-hard Trump supporters, GOP Picky Magazine reports that Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump has just been named to sit on the Proud Boys board of directors.

The magazine noted that Trump had asked one of the PB executives that he would be honored to join their organization.

He was told that the feeling was mutual and that they could not think of a better person to sit on their terroristic board except for many Adolf Hitler, but he’s been gone for a long, long time.

Meanwhile Trump’s two semi-stupid sons, Donald “Dopey” Trump, Jr., and Eric
“Goofy” Trump are as proud as penguins to learn of their daddy’s promotion.

When Melania was asked what she thought about her estranged husband’s new role, she rolled her eyes and replied, “Looky heres, tu be purfectly trootful tu ju, I dun’t geave a rat’s ass what dat orange luzur beegut duz, tank ju tu many.” ■


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