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Trump Eats Paper Again – Marilyn Sands, Humor Times


Former White House aide under oath: Trump eats paper again, and asks for ketchup! Top 10.

Trump eats paper again: Nick Luna, a former Trump White House aide, told the January 6th Committee that he witnessed Donald Trump tearing documents.

Luna’s not sure, but thinks these Top 10 were what Trump tore up:

10.  Maury Povich’s private note to him, ‘You ARE the father of Eric’!

Trump eats paper again

9.  Hope Hicks note that says, ‘You’re a bad boy & I’ll have to put you over my knee again’!

Hope Hicks

8.  A drug store list he didn’t pick up yet:

Suppositories (large), Trojans (small) & Dippity Do!

7.  ‘Dippity Do’ Directions: Wash Hair. Dippity Do. Roll Hair. Tease Hair. Spray. Pray!

6.  His ‘Singles Over 50’ dating site Password!

5.  His mother’s recipe for Kreplach!  Okay, Chopped Liver!

I am not running out of ideas!  haha

4.  The names & ages of his children, grandchildren & the illegitimate ones on the subpoenas!

3.  List of all Federal Charges against him that week!

2.  Pawn Shop Receipts: Gold Watch, Gold Tooth, Gold Men’s Room Penis Holder!

And #1 Piece of Paper Donald Trump tore up:

Harry Houdini’s Escape Secret!

Trump eats paper again, Houdini

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