Pop Culture
Triple Threat Khloe Rose On Debut EP, The In Between
I speak for many people when I say that I crave honest, relatable lyricism, and catchy pop melody, and a strong vocal performance. It’s so rare in life that a music artist nails all of those in their songs, which is why pop queen sensations like Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift are held at such high standards. However, there’s a new voice in this industry who has it all: Khloe Rose.
If you haven’t heard of Khloe Rose before this article, remember her name. Her debut EP, The In Between, which just came out August 18, is the perfect introduction to a singer-songwriter-multi-instrumentalist who truly can do it all. At only 19, she has the abilities of someone who has been creating music for decades. Her music sounds passionate, her lyrics hit home, and the melodies make you want to dance.
Which is why the title single “The In Between” works so well to represent the rest of her album. It’s punchy and infectious, with an essence of pop-rock that artists like FLETCHER and GAYLE do so well. “The In Between” talks about that confusing time in relationships where you fear speaking up, and you never know where you stand. It’s self-reflective, which is a perfect summation of this EP. Listen here:
Khloe Rose has a bright future ahead, and Popdust got a chance to sit down with her and get a glimpse of The In Between. Check it out below!
PD: Your debut EP, The In Between, comes out August 18! What was the inspiration behind the album?
– I’m really lucky to be in a position where I get to share my music with people as an attempt to connect, and it was very inspiring for me to see how many people related to my first single “Fictional” when it came out. I was only 16 when I wrote that song, so to see such an emotional reaction from so many people across different demographics feel so seen by it, it made me want to do the best job possible at putting as many of those relatable little snapshots from my life together to create this project! It’s definitely the story of a teenage girl processing and accepting her life and her emotions, across things like love, heartbreak, friends, embarrassment, change, and grief.
PD: What were your favorite memories making the album?
– The whole entire process has genuinely been the most surreal experience of my entire life! I’ll never forget meeting my collaborator for the EP, Alex Hope, and getting to work with such an experienced and talented individual for my first ever song! The process became a whirlwind once we had officially decided on making an EP, which we wrote and recorded in total across 9ish studio days. Each of those days was so memorable for me, as I got to learn so much and truthfully working in the studio for hours just making music is my favorite thing I’ve ever done. Both of the music video shoots for “Fictional” and “The In Between” were also an absolute blast! It felt like I was getting to perform again, and I’ve missed performing, so getting to create a visual for my own music with such supportive and talented teams surrounding me was amazing!
PD: If you had to describe it in three words, what would they be?
– Youthful, heartfelt, and honest
PD: Your title single “The In Between” has an infectious sound that is both upbeat andrelatable. How does this song represent the album as a whole?
– I love how “The In Between” is such a mixture of confusion, self-loathing, longing,fear, and acceptance. This is such a good overview of the project in its entirety. Even though the song is referring to being stuck in the in-between of a relationship, the EP is really about being stuck in the in-between of youth and adulthood. Growing up seems like such a magnificent thing until you’re actually doing it, because it’s really intense and scary and nothing makes sense, no decisions feel like the correct one. “The In Between” walks the line of acknowledging my own flaws and fears, while also recognizing that I’m growing and changing so much every day, and each of these little things have a place in the other songs!
PD: What are you most looking forward to with the release of your EP?
– My dream has always been to make music and share it with the world, so thevery fact that it’s happening at all is such a dream come true! But I’m also very excited to get to share these pieces of myself with those who support me. Some of them have waited for literal years for me to be able to release music, and I hope to make it worth it and to make them proud with this project. It’s a very special thing to have so many people relate to you through your music, and I’m so excited to see how people will relate these songs to their own experiences. It truly does feel like a beautiful little family that we’ve created throughout the past few months of releases, so knowing there’s a group of people that hold this music as closely to them as I hold it to me is so special.
PD: You’ve found a lot of success with sharing your music with fans through TikTok.How has that helped you communicate with your fans more?
– It has definitely given me a space to build fans, and get to show more of my lifeand music with them which is really fun. It kind of feels like they’re my friends in away. Their dedication to the music is unreal, and I’m definitely still in the early stages of building my career so seeing how passionate and supportive they are is crazy! I love getting to talk with them and relate with them, and see what theyare excited about, while also getting to share the thing I love most with them.They’ve been through so much with me already, and I’m so grateful to beconnected with them. Seeing the support on TikTok is very eye-opening, I’d love to thank them for their support in person someday!
PD: What artists are inspiring you right now?
– Taylor Swift has been my biggest musical inspiration since I could talk! I trulybelieve she’s one of the most monumental talents out there and has one of themost incredible careers ever seen! Gracie Abrams is another artist that I admirewith my whole heart. Everything she creates is something I connect with down tomy soul and I would love to get to see her live someday. Maisie Peters and 5 Seconds of Summer are some of my other favorite artists right now. I’m just absolutely obsessed with their sounds, and their writing is so creative and genius! I could list 100 more artists that I love without blinking an eye, but I willrestrain myself!
Jai Phillips
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