To explain the feeling of Tree Camp I have to begin here.. in the whispered tales of guests, I have heard the same words many many times and this camp is the keeper of the story.

“She just appeared, we watched her for hours then this little cub ran out to greet her. The way they touched heads and in that moment everything for me become so clear…”

The original mother leopard and her cub, taken in the late 1970’s. This Leopard was to set in motion a five generational legacy of relaxed leopards at Londolozi. That then reached out into the greater Sabi Sand area.

The original viewable leopard of Londolozi, if not Africa. In 1979 this leopard appeared as if by magic, allowing vehicles to view her.


Spotted this leopard?

You’ve seen this leopard

2 sightings by Members

Mother Leopard 2:2 Female

There exists a sacred bond here at Londolozi between humanity and the enigmatic leopards that for five generations have been guides and teachers. For me, this bond began at a mere 12 days old, and for nearly four decades, it has unfolded through different phases of my life.

With each encounter, the leopards have given me a new awareness, a deeper understanding of their mystical presence and over time mine.

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Having just celebrated World Leopard Day yesterday, amidst the wealth of facts and figures about these long studied cats, I feel compelled to pause and reflect on that unforgettable moment of my first sighting. I reflect on the moment when I first laid eyes upon a leopard, or perhaps even better, I will pause and think of the many moments our guests, who pilgrimage to Londolozi  from all over the world, have beautiful rare encounters with these big cats.

From the original “Mother” leopard to the famous Three, Four female  leopard, to all the others celebrated, each’s essence showcased here in the elegance of Tree Camp.

Each time I see a leopard, it’s as if a gateway has opened and time has stopped. In that fleeting instant, I get a glimpse of the essence of wildness itself, embodied in the sinewy grace of this magnificent creature.

Nkoveni + 2 On A Fallen Tamboti Pg

As I watch guests arrive at Londolozi, their faces alight with anticipation, I am reminded of the profound connection we share with these elusive beings. They are not merely inhabitants of the landscape; they are the guardians of our collective memory, the keepers of ancient wisdom – Tree Camp stands a daily reminder to all of us of this.

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Yet every now and then, I feel we has humans can forget this grace that is given. When a leopard is seen you can be sure she has chosen to be viewed, her mastery would let her disappear in an instant if it so pleased her.

Nt Kangela Male On Rock Portrait

In our familiarity we can sometimes take for granted what we see every day. You can forget to really look and see the details and notice the small parts of that “being” who is before you.

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In a world where the march of progress threatens to erase the footprints of the wild, the sight of a leopard stalking gracefully through the landscape is a rare and precious gift. It is a reminder of the fragility of life, and of our duty to protect and preserve the wonders of our world. So let us not take for granted the rare joy of encountering these incredible creatures.

Londolozi By Zhenya Swan

I would ask each of you today to approach each sighting or experience  in the wild with gratitude and humility, honouring the delicate balance that sustains us all. Remembering every tracker, guide and guest before you who has taken that moment to honour this sentient being, and now generations on, each one of us get to learn and listen to one of nature’s greatest ambassadors.

A tracking team. Trackers Lucky Shabuagu and Jerry Sibiya joined by head trainer of the Tracker Academy Innocent Ngwenya and some of his new recruits.

For in the presence of the leopard or any wild creature, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all living things, and of the sacred bond that unites us with our own Wild Self.

Tree Camp at Londolozi will for ever stand as an iconic touch stone to all who visit, and a reminder that now is the time to embody these values and thinking. Today and every day we ask each and every person to protect this incredible creature and to always appreciate being in its presents.

Bronwyn Varty-Laburn

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