The discovery of effective methods of orthodontic implantation of teeth has saved many people from the inconvenience associated with wearing prostheses. This has given them the opportunity to always look gorgeous thanks to a charming smile and not be afraid of close contact with other people. Dental implants surgery in Brickell Dental Care installs the highest quality implants from modern biocompatible materials.

Advantages of Substituting Lost Teeth with Implants 

The use of implants in dentistry has become a real revolution that has saved dentists and patients from many problems. This became possible due to the unique qualities and features of the installation.

Possibility of Individual Replacement of Teeth

Prosthetics using other methods involve the removal of part of adjacent teeth. This is necessary to close the empty space of the lost tooth by placing a double crown on the adjacent one. When the patient chooses dental implant procedures in Miami, the adjacent teeth remain intact and continue to delight them with their natural health.

Perfect Aesthetics

Implants have an ideal shape and a glossy light-transmitting surface. They look absolutely natural, but at the same time, they are not exposed to such negative factors as caries, darkening, enamel destruction, and so on.

Stability in the Jaw

People who wear dentures, especially removable ones, tend to worry that they might somehow fall out at the most inopportune moment. Implants are firmly held in the jaw and are as natural to the patient as the rest of the teeth.

Protection Against Microorganisms

Remains of food can get under dentures, contributing to the creation of a microflora favorable for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms and the destruction of remaining teeth. Dental implantation eliminates these problems, allowing a person to control their purity at any time.

Principles of Implants Prosthetics

Dental implantation consists of several key procedures, the duration of which is determined by the speed of recovery of the jaw tissue and bone. Brickell Dental Care uses the best dental implants available from OCO Biomedical. Due to their high biocompatibility and hypoallergenic properties, you can be sure that the body will very quickly accept the implanted materials, allowing you to complete the procedure. In general, patients go through several stages to receive new dazzling and healthy implants:

  • Consultation based on x-rays results. This step determines if dental implants surgery in Brickell Dental Care is right for you. If there are any contraindications, then it is better to choose another method of prosthetics to avoid complications in the future.
  • Sanitation of the oral cavity and installation of a titanium screw. In the second stage, the dentist removes the roots of the lost tooth, if any, and implants a titanium screw, which will serve as the basis for the new tooth.
  • Observation of the patient during the engraftment of the titanium screw. This is the longest stage since it takes about 3‒4 months for the body to accept the implant and integrate it steadily into the dentary bone.
  • Manufacturing of implants. Only after the final healing is completed, the modeling of the upper part of the crown is made and its production begins. Because the average cost of dental implants ranges from $3,000 to $5,000, you can choose the crown materials that best fit your budget.
  • Fitting and final fixation of the crown. This is the happiest stage for any patient who has chosen the best dental implants in Brickell. By the time you leave the doctor’s office, you already have dazzling white teeth and a charming smile.

How Different Is Life After Dental Implants?

The installation of new perfect teeth favorably affects not only your appearance. Other aspects of life will also noticeably improve because teeth are connected with many processes in the body and the human psyche:

  • Strong teeth will improve the digestive system, as you will chew your food well.
  • You will be spared the problem of jaw bone atrophy, which is known to many people who have lost their teeth.
  • There will appear self-confidence and a desire to make contact with other people. Now a smile from warm communication exposes glamorous teeth rather than frightens with a gaping void!

And the most important factor influencing the choice in favor of dental implantation is that it is a permanent solution! Unlike dentures or crowns, which need to be replaced periodically, implants allow you to solve the problem of a lost tooth once and for all.


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