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Top 50 Colombian Last Names and Surnames


Hey, Readers are you looking for Colombian last names or surnames? Here we are at Tinydale with an amazing list. Let us start with an introduction.

Colombia is a country in South Africa with Spanish as its dominant language. Therefore, common Colombian surnames are in Spanish and need to be translated into English meanings so that you could take an informed decision.

Colombian last names, much like South Asian and European countries, are influenced by the people’s occupations and the areas around which they live. The last names are also passed down generations like in other cultures.

Originating from diverse cultures, Colombian last names come in a huge variety. Hence, we have compiled a list of all common Colombian surnames with their meanings for you to choose from. Surely, you will find many fascinating last names or surnames here. Let’s get right into the last names! 

50 Colombian Last Names With Their Meanings

Colombian people

  1. Acosta – From a place named Acosta in Spain.
  2. Aguirre – Basque origin, meaning “promontory” or “steep slope.”
  3. Alarcón – Derived from the Arabic “al hara” meaning “the courtyard” or “the walled enclosure.”
  4. Amaya – Basque origin, meaning “the end of the rock” or “a high place.”
  5. Angarita – Possibly of Arabic origin, meaning “a steep place.”
  6. Arbeláez – Derived from the Basque word “haran bela” meaning “meadow view.”
  7. Arciniegas – Basque origin, meaning “oak trees.”
  8. Arias – Son of Ari or Aro, a personal name of Germanic origin.
  9. Ayala – Basque origin, meaning “a place with sloping ground.”
  10. Bautista – Derived from the name “Baptiste,” meaning “baptizer” or “baptist.”
  11. Bedoya – Basque origin, meaning “juniper grove.”
  12. Beltrán – Derived from the Germanic name “Bertrán,” meaning “bright raven.”
  13. Benavides – Derived from the place name “Benavides” in Spain.
  14. Betancourt – Derived from the place name “Betancourt” in France.
  15. Botero – Derived from the Basque word “bote,” meaning “something swollen or swollen-faced.”
  16. Bueno – Spanish for “good” or “virtuous.”
  17. Bustamante – Derived from the place name “Bustamante” in Spain.
  18. Cabrera – Derived from the Latin word “capraria,” meaning “place of goats.”
  19. Calle – Derived from the Spanish word “calle,” meaning “street” or “road.”
  20. Camargo – Derived from the place name “Camargo” in Spain.
  21. Cárdenas – Derived from the place name “Cárdenas” in Spain.
  22. Caro – Derived from the Latin word “carus,” meaning “dear” or “beloved.”
  23. Carrillo – Derived from the Latin word “carusculus,” meaning “dear” or “loving.”
  24. Castañeda – Derived from the Spanish word “castaña,” meaning “chestnut.”
  25. Castaño – Derived from the Spanish word “castaño,” meaning “chestnut tree.”
  26. Castellanos – Derived from the place name “Castellanos” in Spain.
  27. Cepeda – Derived from the place name “Cepeda” in Spain.
  28. Cervantes – Derived from the place name “Cervantes” in Spain.
  29. Contreras – Derived from the place name “Contreras” in Spain.
  30. Delgado – Derived from the Spanish word “delgado,” meaning “thin” or “slender.”
  31. Duarte – Derived from the Germanic name “duard,” meaning “guardian of riches.”
  32. Durán – Derived from the Germanic name “duran,” meaning “enduring” or “steadfast.”
  33. Espinosa – Derived from the Latin word “spina,” meaning “thorn” or “spine.”
  34. Estévez – Derived from the Latin word “stella,” meaning “star.”
  35. Echavarría – Basque origin, meaning “a house built on rock” or “rocky place.”
  36. Fonseca – Derived from the place name “Fonseca” in Spain.
  37. Franco – Derived from the Germanic name “frank,” meaning “free man.”
  38. Galindo – Derived from the Germanic name “gail,” meaning “cheerful” or “happy.”
  39. Gallego – Meaning “Galician,” referring to someone from Galicia, Spain.
  40. Gaviria – Basque origin, meaning “low-lying land” or “meadow.”
  41. Gómez – Derived from the Germanic name “guma,” meaning “man.”
  42. González – Son of Gonzalo, a personal name of Germanic origin.
  43. Henao – Basque origin, meaning “a place of pastures.”
  44. Herrera – Derived from the place name “Herrera” in Spain.
  45. Hurtado – Derived from the Latin word “furtum,” meaning “theft” or “robbery.”
  46. Ibáñez – Son of Iván or Iban, a personal name of Basque origin.
  47. Jiménez – Son of Jimeno or Ximeno, a personal name of Basque origin.
  48. Jaramillo – Derived from the place name “Jaramillo” in Spain.
  49. Londoño – Derived from the place name “Londoño” in Spain.
  50. López – Derived from the Latin word ” lupus,” meaning “wolf.”



Colombian last names

While some of the above-listed names are common Colombian surnames, others belong to famous personalities.

Fortunately, Tiny Dale brings you a wide range of name suggestions for you to choose from. We sincerely hope you found this list of Colombian last names that we curated useful!

Also Read: Top 100 Cool Gladiator Names For Babies (With Meanings)

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Sneha Talwar

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