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Top 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your Mind


Mahershala Ali is a Muslim Actor. He is a renowned actor who has won several awards. He is also the first black actor to have won Two Academy Awards in the same category.
Here are some of his quotes that will inspire you to succeed.

Inspiring Mahershala Ali Quotes

“The more you work and get known for something, sometimes things begin to narrow a bit, and your opportunities get more… specific.”–Mahershala Ali

“People do bad things, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have other colors or qualities.”–Mahershala Ali

Top 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your Mind

“When I was growing up, I was told you could be anything you want to be, but I didn’t really believe that because you couldn’t be president. Like, I knew that; we never had a black president.”–Mahershala Ali

“The things that people won’t totally accept come in all shapes and sizes and forms, and I can relate to that in my own youth.”

–Mahershala Ali Quotes

“Kids feel like they have to puff up or shrink. These reclusive qualities begin to develop because you feel that who you are is going to either be accepted or rejected by your family and friends.”–Mahershala Ali

“To really be conscious of how long the journey is, be patient, push yourself, persevere, and always be working on your craft while waiting for your break. That’s what I’m still working on, having done this for 20 years now.”–Mahershala Ali

“Understand that we are all co-creators of our respective destinies.”–Mahershala Ali

Top 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your MindTop 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your Mind

“I believe that everything has a shelf life.”–Mahershala Ali

“The people that I admire have a wonderful balance of self-belief and humility.”

–Mahershala Ali Quotes

“I always hope to be a better person tomorrow than today.”–Mahershala Ali

“I have to say goodbye to things in order to take on bigger things that I’ve always wanted to do.”–Mahershala Ali

Top 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your MindTop 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your Mind

“Your life, your circumstances change, and you have to continue to grow as a person, and once you have means and opportunity, you have to make different choices to protect what you have.”–Mahershala Ali

“I have had that same experience where there are several people who have come up in my life at the right time and have made critical contributions to how I see the world and how I see myself.”–Mahershala Ali

“At that moment in time when we feel like the other, we were not the person embraced, not one of the cool kids, not in the club – when you’re that person, it makes you feel smaller, and when they persecute you as a result, that’s a difficult position to be in.”–Mahershala Ali

“I do believe that there are creative chakras or different sorts of energy centers.”–Mahershala Ali

“Who is that person that comes around and says, ‘You are OK, you are worthy, you are special?’ That makes all the difference in the world for many of us. Those are the people we appreciate the most.”–Mahershala Ali

“I know someone from growing up who is in jail right now for the rest of his life, but he was one of the sweetest people I ever knew.”

–Mahershala Ali

“In my humble opinion, the ages 22 to about 27 are the most critical years of your adult life. It’s your time to gestate in the cocoon of becoming.”–Mahershala Ali

“You gotta decide for yourself what you’re going to be, can’t let nobody take that decision for you”–Mahershala Ali

Top 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your MindTop 20 Mahershala Ali Quotes That Will Enlighten Your Mind

“Cultures and races are mixing in a very organic way in the world, and that should be reflected in film and television.”–Mahershala Ali Quotes


Stella Maris

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