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Top 10 Most To Least Mysterious Zodiac Signs Ranked


Who or what is a mystery? We term a person as ‘mysterious’ when we cannot understand them or when they act unpredictably. But do astrology and zodiac have a role to play? Interestingly, they do! Since people born under a zodiac sign exhibit certain common traits, it can be said with a certain amount of surety as to where they feature among the most to least mysterious zodiac signs.

Knowing this might actually help you understand a person better, or at the very least, misunderstand them less! So if you fail to get through to a person or find their behaviour odd, blame it all on the stars.

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Top 10 Most To Least Mysterious Zodiac Signs

Some people keep things to themselves. They may be reserved or may take their own time to open up, but that does not make them unfriendly. In the world of zodiacs, there can be various possibilities so all you need to do is to accept them for who they are and respond accordingly. Here are the most to least mysterious zodiac signs – what’s your take on them?

1. SCORPIO ( October 23- November 21) – What’s on their minds?

In the most to least mysterious zodiac signs list, Scorpio definitely ranks number 1. People born under this sign have magnetic strong personalities. They do not open up too easily and if they do, can act rather possessive too.

Scorpios are known to be intense and not too easygoing. But this mystery adds to their allure as they never really reveal what’s going on in their minds. If you can second guess them or read their minds, then Nostradamus, you have cracked the code!


2. PISCES (February 19 – March 20) – The intuitive sign

Like Scorpio, Pisces is also a water sign and they are known to be intuitive and dreamy as well. So naturally they have a bit of mystery and suspense about them. They can also slip in and slip out of various phases, so don’t be surprised if they give the blow hot-blow cold treatment.

Between the most to least mysterious zodiac signs, Pisceans have earned a special place because even though they are not as intense or dark as Scorpio, they are unpredictable because they are dual faced and way too dreamy.


3. CANCER (June 21 – July 22) – Soft on the inside

Cancerians are men and women of few words. But they have a sharp and ticking brain and are known to be very intuitive. They are deep and wise, the best people to turn to for advice in a tough situation.

But Cancerians are high up in the mentions of the most to least mysterious zodiac signs because they are ruled by the moon which itself indicates a certain puzzle. They are like the crab – hard on the outside and soft on the inside. So to get to see their soft side, you need to crack open the shell – not an easy thing to do!

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4. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) – Hard to figure out

Capricornians come across as caring, graceful and warm but they have a layer within themselves that won’t open up to anyone too easily. They are one of the most intriguing zodiac signs. They are sometimes hard to figure out which is what makes them mysterious.

They are the strong silent type but never underestimate their resilience. They can take on a lot of stress without letting you know what they are going through.

They are solid people to have around and are giving without letting you into their world.


5. AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18) – Secretive Zodiac Sign

Aquarius is the quiet one, always planning and plotting and observing others. You can’t be quite sure of what goes on in their minds as what they say is not what they are. So no wonder they are considered to be among the most secretive zodiac signs.

On the negative side, they can be shady and secretive as a result of which they end up being rather mysterious and slightly difficult to trust. However, the mystery part of Aquarius is only when they are truly hurt so perhaps it’s a façade.


6. LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) – Unpredictable one

Libra is all about balance and they see to it that everything works out perfectly. This makes them somewhat the most envied zodiac sign. But the problem is that in their eagerness to appear balanced, they come across as too safe and hesitant to take a stand.

You never quite know what is going on in their mind or what their real opinion is. But they can’t commit to anything that they say so it is kind of difficult to trust them. They are unpredictable because they claim to stand for peace and stability but they can be quite argumentative and unstable, thus making them the most complex zodiac sign.

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7. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) – Moody and mysterious

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Virgos are perfectionists who love to do things well and keep it healthy. But they have a dark side as well. They can get quite jealous and it’s this quality that makes them a tad bit mysterious. If things do not go their way, they can withdraw into a shell and become moody. Definitely that’s not the time to get close to them.

Another problem with Virgo is that they can get too analytical and humble but deep down they can be dismissive and critical too. For instance a Virgo boss can be quite tough to handle. So while their rank might be low in the most to least mysterious zodiac signs, don’t take them lightly.

8. GEMINI ( May 21 – June 20) – Dual personality

Gemini are people pleasers. They are pleasant soft spoken and happy go lucky but dual faced as well. Some times in their eagerness to keep everyone happy, they do not talk too much about themselves which is not a very healthy sign.


They want to give the impression that they are cool and stress free which is not always the case. A Gemini friend might not be exactly mysterious in the true sense of the term but their duality shows up in most conversations and situations due to which you can count them among the freakiest zodiac signs.

9. TAURUS ( April 20 – May 20) – Confusing sign

Taurus is known for keeping their calm. Being an earth sign, they are fairly straightforward and do not harbor too many secrets unlike water signs. However that does not mean they do not have depth. They can turn quite taciturn when they want to.

Sometimes Taureans can become very self-absorbed yet act possessive and over protective which might confuse you. When counted among the most to least mysterious signs, they may not be up there with the Scorpions and Pisceans, but Taureans exude mystery in their own way.

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10. LEO (July 23 – August 22) – Relatively uncomplicated

Leo is a strong, happy and rather uncomplicated sign. Thus there is little space for confusion or mystery. That’s why they are in the bottom half of this list of most to least mysterious zodiac signs.

Also, Leos are very dynamic, independent and bossy which makes them natural born leaders. They perhaps won’t have time to be mysterious and alluring. On the positive side, they are gregarious and generous so that makes them even less mysterious.

All zodiac signs exhibit a certain amount of mystery. Their depth and magnitude also depends on the combinations, their ascendants and time of birth and so on. However, a rough guide based on their basic personality traits can be enough to get you cracking on the mystery!


So now you know which sign is most mysterious and which zodiac sign is the least mysterious. Be it your dear one or a work colleague, next time you interact with them you will know what’s their mystery.

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