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Top 10 Foods to Add Cannabis Distillate Into


THC distillate is a partial-spectrum cannabis oil that can reach up to 99% purity. We use the term “partial-spectrum” because distilling THC often separates it from other cannabinoids like CBD or THCV, meaning they may be less effective for holistic wellness than full-spectrum concentrates. Though, distillates are more effective at delivering clean, pure THC to the consumer.

One of the most popular applications for distillate is adding it to food. Unlike cannabis flower, which must be “activated” via decarboxylation, distillate is naturally decarbed during the production process, and can be eaten as-is. Thus, adding a few drops or a little drizzle of distillate can turn any dish into an “edible,” but note this is not the same as cooking with cannabis.

When cooking with cannabis, the THC is cooked right into the dish, usually by infusing cannabinoids into a fatty ingredient like oil or cream. Though the cannabis can be more thoroughly infused, cooking with cannabis requires more prep time, multiple extra cooking steps, and can be tricky for first-timers.

By comparison, distillate is much easier to use as it can be quickly and easily added to any dish after it’s been prepared (or delivered). It can sometimes have a distinct sharp flavor note not present in other infusion methods, but this is easily hidden by some bolder flavors, which we’ve included in our list.

Here are PotGuide’s ten favorite dishes to add THC distillate to, with no cooking or extra steps required.

Top 10 Foods for Adding Distillate

Mac and Cheese

While fats are required for formally infusing dishes, they are not required when adding THC distillate to food. That said, more fats will encourage more THC uptake, making macaroni and cheese a potent option for THC consumption.

Whether homemade or from a box, macaroni and cheese is a great meal to add cannabis distillate into. photo credit

The bold flavor of the cheese is also enough to hide any lingering cannabis flavor.

Pasta Sauce

Pasta sauce often begins with a strong tomato base which actually benefits from the earthy flavor of THC distillate. Many pasta sauces already include seasonings like oregano and black pepper which contain terpenes also found in cannabis including pinene and caryophyllene, making the flavor of distillate blend well into this versatile sauce.


Cannabinoids bind to healthy fats just as easily as unhealthy ones, so full-fat or whole-milk yogurt makes a great breakfast option boosted with distillate. Mix it with a nutty granola or muesli, and the earthy flavor of the distillate will disappear among the oats and seeds.

Honey and Syrup

We could have just as easily listed pancakes and waffles here, because that’s how this combination is most often used. The thick, golden distillate blends easily with the thick, golden syrup or honey, and from there can be drizzled over anything.

a thick golden strand of honey is pulled upwards from a small glass jar of homemade honey

Cannabis distillate blends very well with substances like honey and maple syrup.

For larger batches, sunflower lecithin can be used as an emulsifier (in equal ratio to the amount of distillate used), and the combination can then be stored in the fridge for several months.

Chinese Food

Chinese food is full of savory, salty sauces that easily mask the flavor of cannabis, and distillate can be simply mixed with chili oil for a kick that lifts you off the couch. However, distillate should not be used in ramen or soups as hot temperatures may reduce the potency of cannabis oils.


THC distillate is an easy ingredient to add to smoothies for a morning or midday boost, and the anti-inflammatory properties make it a great supplement when recovering from a workout.

Salad Dressing

Four salad dressings are in a line in clear containers, including caesar and red wine vinaigrette.

Adding a bit of distillate into your favorite salad dressing is a super easy way to amplify your meal. photo credit

There are many recipes available for formally infused salad dressings, but THC distillate is much less laborious, and better for single servings of salad. Add a few drops to your dressing of choice, or add more to the bottle in your fridge and mix well before serving!


The spices and seasonings in taco meat hide the grassy flavor of distillate well, but it should be added at a particular stage in the cooking process. Adding THC while the meat is still in the pan, or over the heat, may cook off precious cannabinoids. Instead, warm the distillate syringe in water to thin it out, then add it to the meat when it comes off the heat. This way the distillate will be thin enough to mix evenly throughout the meat, but not hot enough to burn off the THC.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is naturally oily, so an oily distillate mixes right in, and can then be spread on anything from a PB&J to celery, toast, or added to a smoothie.

Santa Cruz peanut butter in a glass jar on a black background

Peanut butter and other nut butters are a great choice for distillate since they have an oily consistency.

If your peanut butter is in a glass jar, that jar can be placed — but not submerged — in boiling water to thin the peanut butter, making it easier to evenly stir in the distillate.


As we’ve discussed, distillate blends well with tomato sauce and cheese for both masking the flavor and improving cannabinoid uptake, so pizza is an easy choice. Pineapple Express is an excellent topping on any pie, regardless of your opinions on the “Hawaiian” pizza debate.


THC distillate can be added to drinks as well, but we’ve left them off this list for a couple reasons. Without an emulsifying agent to balance the two liquids, the oily concentrate will always separate from a watery drink, resulting in a not-so-pleasant mouthfeel to most cannabis consumers. Additionally, this 2016 study found that temperature affects cannabinoid concentration, particularly in hot drinks which reduce cannabinoid content by as much as 28%. So THC distillate can absolutely be added to drinks, but it may not be as enjoyable to consume, and probably won’t deliver as much THC.

Otherwise, cannabis distillates provide a great option for making instant edibles!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Foods Can You Put Distillate in?

Cannabinoid distillate can be added to just about anything, but loses potency in hot drinks or when cooked, so it is often added shortly before consuming. Using distillate in fatty foods improves THC absorption for optimal effect.

How Do You Add Distillates to Food?

Distillate is usually warmed first by submerging the syringe or other water-tight container in hot water. This thins out the oil making it easier to drop or mix into foods. It can remain stable in the fridge mixed into salad dressings or leftovers, but may lose about 15% potency from the cold temperature. More potency is lost at cooking temperatures, so when possible, add distillate immediately before consumption.

What Can I Do With Delta 8 Distillate?

Delta-8 distillate can be used the same as any other distilled cannabis product, including adding it to foods or placing it directly on the tongue.

What dishes do you add THC distillate to? Tell us in the comments below!

Photo Credit: Shutterstock


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