Video Gaming
Top 10 Best Geometry Dash Hacks & Cheats
Hacks and cheat codes for Geometry Dash come in various shapes and sizes. You’d be surprised by how many offer more convenience, like a cleaner UI, than straightforward advantages. We aren’t going to judge you for using them, but if you’re interested, we have the best Geometry Dash cheats and hacks.
Unlock All Icons
Geometry Dash features a ton of different icons you can use to personalize your profile, many of which are locked until you’ve reached specific milestones and requirements. It’s also a cool way of showing off your accomplishments, but who wants to wait? Start using that adorable cube cosmetic now!
I’d also like to highlight a companion hack: Steal Icons. If you aren’t aware yet, you can actually create your own custom player icon. With the ‘Steal Icons’ hack, you can yoink someone’s cool icons to use for your own. I highly encourage you to create your own, too!
FPS Bypass

Whenever you play Geometry Dash, the time it takes you to click and for your cube to respond isn’t instant. There’s a minimal delay, practically imperceptible, but that delay stacks and stacks. It could make the difference between failing and succeeding. If you’re topping charts, you can make a conscious effort to reduce that delay.
The trick is to increase the number of frames that are refreshing, but Geometry Dash has a limit. Luckily, the FPS Bypass hack lets you remove that restriction to whatever frame rate you want. You shouldn’t go any higher than 360 FPS or risk screwing up the game. Either way, you’ll significantly reduce the delay between the game and your inputs. Be aware that some levels might be negatively affected, not to mention that some players build levels based on a specific Hz.
No Death Effect

I hate getting into a groove, getting into the zone, and I have to wait on the death animation. I need to get back into the game as soon as possible before I lose focus. This hack doesn’t do anything but offer convenience by simply turning off the death effect. As soon as you fail, you’ll get zipped immediately to the beginning.
Copy Hack

If you try to go back to some older Geometry Dash stages, you’ll notice that they need passwords more often than not. If you know it, that’s great, but some stages are just lost forever. Rather than sit there and guess what the password is (it’ll be near impossible to brute force), you can just copy the stage with the Copy Hack.
Show Hitboxes on Death

As stages get more difficult (see Extreme Demons), there’s a lot that’s coming at you. Sometimes, it’s a pain to see which spike killed you. With the ‘Show Hitboxes on Death’ hack, you never have to guess again. Quite literally, you see the hitbox of an obstacle upon death. It’s admittedly another hack that’s pretty controversial in its use.
The problem is you probably fall into one of two camps: some say it offers too much of an advantage since you can memorize the timing, while others say it isn’t really that big of a deal. It’s memorization vs muscle memory—which is more honorable in that group’s mind. If you aren’t bothered by it, then have fun!
More Accurate Percentage

When you play Geometry Dash enough times, and you get really into the nitty-gritty details, you’ll get hyper-focused on progress. Some stages will take hundreds of times to get right and to accomplish even one percent better than your previous attempt is glorious. You live for that little bit of progress, but the game’s percentage only counts in whole numbers, not decimals.
Instead, with the More Accurate Percentage hack, the progress bar will get two extra decimals. It’ll help keep you going, knowing you actually made, say, 89.50% as opposed to 89%. I don’t know about you, but that encourages me to make another attempt!
Ignore ESC Key

How many times have you accidentally closed a stage with the ESC key? It is such a jarring experience when you’ve been zoned in on a particularly difficult stage. After you accidentally leave, it’s like a walk of shame back to the stage. It can really put a hard brake on progress.
For that reason, I use the Ignore ESC Key hack. No matter how often you hit the ESC key, it won’t send you back to the main menu. You’ll stay right at the in-game menu. It also prevents unwanted double-tapping, too.
No Clip

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the entirety of a stage without playing it first, having to deal with all the trial and error beforehand? The best way to do that in Geometry Dash is to use the hack No Clip to bypass every obstacle in the stage. You’re using it for testing purposes, right? Scout’s honor?
Enough being coy; I know people use it to cheat themselves out of a victory, but it does double as a planning tool. Not a bad way to test your recollection skills, too. It makes your subsequent runs feel less trial-and-error and more on muscle memory. Use it as a training tool, and it’ll serve you well!
Smart Start Position

We all practice stages in our own way, right? Each player is different. If you prefer mastering portions of a section—let’s say 10% at a time—Smart Start Position is the way to go. It’s essentially a way of creating your own checkpoints that you’ll start at when you die.
It makes it a really handy and convenient tool for practicing sections of a level. I know when I’m at 80%, I don’t want to complete 79% of the level that I’ve mastered just to get where I need to go. Smart Start Position has been one of the greatest timesavers ever!
Unlimited Jumps

Everyone advances very differently. Can we all agree to that? Some players naturally ace the first few dozen stages and can’t wait to reach the harder levels. With the Unlimited Jumps hack, you can jump as many levels as you want. It’s kind of frowned upon because, technically, you didn’t pass the previous levels.
On the other hand, if you jump hundreds of stages ahead and have no problem beating them, you’re clearly good enough for the previous stages. It wouldn’t be a bad tool to use it to get an idea of what’s in store.
How to Get Hacks and Cheats in Geometry Dash

With all these cheats and hacks for Geometry Dash, you probably want to use them yourself, right? There’s only one really trusted trainer—similar to the ones available for a lot of games like Elden Ring and Armored Core 6—and that’s the MegaHack by Absolute Mods.
It adds an overlay to the game with access to every hack we’ve gone over today. Once MegaHack is active, you can access every hack by pressing the Tab key.
Well, folks, that was the best cheats and hacks in Geometry Dash. There are a lot to try out, so let us know what your personal favorites are! If it’s cheat codes you want, perhaps every cheat code for GTA V would interest you. You can cause all sorts of mayhem!
Brady Klinger-Meyers
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