Dianne Feinstein’s prolonged absence from the Senate is causing problems for Democrats. With such a thin majority, they can’t get any of Biden’s far left judges confirmed.

As a result, Feinstein has asked Chuck Schumer to replace her on the Judiciary Committee.

Senator Tom Cotton has advice for Republicans. He is telling them not to help Democrats replace her.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Tom Cotton tells GOP not to help Democrats replace Feinstein on Judiciary Committee

Sen. Tom Cotton said his Republican colleagues shouldn’t throw Democrats a lifeline in efforts to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) on a key committee.

Feinstein has been absent from the upper chambers since February amid health complications. After an outcry from Democrats, she asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to replace her on the Judiciary Committee temporarily so that they can continue appointing President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees.

“Republicans should not assist Democrats in confirming Joe Biden’s most radical nominees to the courts,” Cotton tweeted with an article about the Feinstein predicament.

Cotton sits on the Judiciary Committee, and his remarks likely foreshadow GOP resistance to approving a temporary replacement.

Cotton sits on the Judiciary Committee, and his remarks likely foreshadow GOP resistance to approving a temporary replacement.

Democrats have been wildly successful at pushing through Biden’s judiciary nominations. At the two-year mark, Biden clinched 100 nominations, eclipsing former President Donald Trump’s 85 and former President Barack Obama’s 67.

See Cotton’s tweet below:

Cotton is right. Republicans should not help Democrats confirm Biden judges.

If the situation was reversed, do you think Democrats would help Republicans? Of course they wouldn’t.

Mike LaChance

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