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Tobey Maguire’s Reddit AMA Discusses Memes, Live Alligators and a Dancing Child



He’s gonna put some dirt in your eye.

One of the most popular aspects of social news aggregation website is how notable public figures will often host live Q&A sessions, otherwise known as a “Reddit AMA (ask me anything)” thread. Today, the star of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy threw his hat into the digital ring, as Tobey Maguire opened the floor for discussion.

As one might anticipate, the queries came flooding in, with the bulk of interest focussed on his fondly remembered turn as Marvel’s webslinger. Maguire revealed that he is prone to still pulling out his infamous dance from Spider-Man 3, and that he is a particularly big fan of his pint-sized doppelganger, who made waves earlier this year by emulating the moves with stunning accuracy.

Those of you with a fancy for memes, Maguire is fairly ambivalent about those that feature his likeness, though he did confess that he does find the Bully Maguire videos amusing. He also said that he would check out the raimimemes subreddit, much to the delight of the community.

For the most part, he remained mum on the subject of Babylon, the newly released comedy-drama film in which he acts as executive producer, as well as portraying mob boss James McKay. There is apparently a live alligator involved in some capacity, and he looks forward to audiences uncovering the full extent of this interaction.

There’s plenty more content to sift through, but if you are looking for the definitive highlight, it is likely his response to the question of who he liked better among his fellow Spider-Man alumni, Andrew Garfield or Tom Holland.

Spoiler alert, he loves “both those guys so much” and finds the very query to be, “f*cked up”.


Tony Cocking

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