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Titan Pet Simulator Codes (February 2024) [NEW]


Updated February 23, 2024

We looked for extra codes!

I love pet-themed Roblox experiences, but they are often very grindy, with a bunch of P2W mechanics. The only way I, as a F2P player, can get by is to utilize all the free boosts and events available. In Titan Pet Simulator, codes are your best friend, so we collected them all in one place. Check them out below.

All Titan Pet Simulator Codes

Here are all the working Titan Pet Simulator codes, including the rewards that you get for redeeming them:

  • GOPACIFIC: 10-minute X2 Click Boost
  • 2MILLION: 10-minute X2 Click Boost
  • UPGRADE: 10-minute X2 Click Boost
  • LUCKY: 10-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • HYDRA: 10-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • SCARAB: 10-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • FLASH: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • TIGER: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • FIREZONE: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • STARLING: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • SNOWMAN: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • SLIME: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • BEACH: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • TRIO: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • ROBOT: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • MECHA: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • LEOPARD: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • INSTAPOTION: Instant Potion
  • FREESTUFFPLEASE: 3,000 Magica
  • SWAMPY: 50,000 Magica
  • HUNDREDK: Party Fox Pet

Expired Titan Pet Simulator Codes

  • RHINO: 10-minute X2 Click Boost
  • VOLCANIC: 10-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • FROSTY: 15-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • HIVE: 15-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • SOONTM: 20-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • PARTYTIME: 30-minute X2 Luck Boost
  • ONEMILLION: 5,000 Magica

How to Redeem Codes in Titan Pet Simulator

Follow the instructions below to redeem Titan Pet Simulator codes:

Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite
  1. Open Titan Pet Simulator on Roblox.
  2. Press the Codes button on the left.
  3. Type in your code in the text box.
  4. Click on the Redeem button to claim your boosts.

Why Are My Codes Not Working?

Luckily, codes in Titan Pet Simulator aren’t case-sensitive, but there is still a non-zero chance you’ll make a spelling mistake. That’s because they are often long and mix letters and numbers. If you want to avoid those, copy and paste the codes into the input field instead.

Also, each code has an expiration date, but the lead developer, DoubleJ, literally never specifies them. Fortunately for you, most of the codes they released so far are still working, so be sure to use them.

Related Article: Pet Sim 99 Shiny Relic Locations

How Can You Get More Titan Pet Simulator Codes?

DoubleJ posts all the newest codes along with patch notes on their official Discord server. It’s by far the most reliable source of information for Titan Pet Simulator. There is also the MassiveMedia Roblox group and their YouTube channel, but the information there is kind of scarce.

What I had to do to collect all of the above codes was to scroll through hundreds of Discord messages. It took me a lot of time, and you doing the same would just be wasteful. So, bookmark this article instead and visit once in a while to get the newest codes. We check for any new ones regularly and update the list if needed.

Other Ways to Get Free Rewards

There are really only two important things you should keep an eye on: the two daily chests and the playtime rewards.

You can get the playtime rewards by clicking the Rewards button on the left. They accumulate as you play, but you have to redeem them yourself. So, don’t forget to do that before logging out.

Play time rewards in Titan Pet Simulator
Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

Then, there are the two daily chests. The golden one is free to claim, and it resets every 24 hours, the same as the Group one. The only difference is that to loot the Group chests, you’ll need to join the MassiveMedia Roblox group and like the game.

Daily rewards in Titan Pet Simulator
Image Source: Screenshot by Twinfinite

What Is Titan Pet Simulator?

Titan Pet Simulator is a pet-collecting Roblox experience that is very similar to Pet Sim 99. In it, you hatch eggs, collect pets, and complete minigames almost endlessly so you can earn resources and upgrade your character and pets.

There are many areas for you to explore, and you can ever rebirth, sacrificing your current progress for permanent boosts. It’s one hell of a grind, but if you like pets, it’s one of the best ones around.

That should cover everything related to codes and how to redeem them in Titan Pet Simulator. For more similar articles, visit the Codes section here on Twinfinite. We have lists for all the popular Roblox titles, where boosts can give you the edge over other players

Also, if you haven’t already, I really recommend you check out Pet Simulator 99. It’s a bit different in gameplay but is, in many aspects, a much better game than Titan Pet.


Aleksa Stojković

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