A tiny white dog named Pumpkin arrived at a rescue in Lincoln, England, when she was only a few weeks old. Right away, her rescuers noticed that she struggled to walk. Whenever she moved, she would drag her back legs behind her.

Sadly, veterinarians suspect that Pumpkin’s condition was caused by an act of animal cruelty. Yet, the tiny pup has such a happy-go-lucky personality despite it all. Pumpkin has even helped many other special needs dogs like her just by being her peppy, adorable self!


Paralyzed Pup Defies the Odds

Pumpkin got a veterinary exam shortly after being rescued, which determined that her spine and two back legs were broken. As a result, the back half of her body was paralyzed, causing her to scoot around instead of walking. Veterinarians worried that poor Pumpkin would never be able to walk again.

Even though Pumpkin can’t walk as easily as other dogs, she now gets around just fine. Tammie Fox adopted the 8-pound dog and bought her a wheelchair from Walkin’ Pets. Pumpkin quickly adjusted to using the wheelchair, so she loves to run around outside like any other dog.

Pumpkin on wheels

“Pumpkin has completely changed our lives. She is a happy, determined pup – nothing holds her back. Her life is full of adventures and happiness,” Fox said.

Pumpkin can move without her wheelchair, but it’s a lot of work for her front legs. So, her family lets her run “naked” without her wheelchair when she’s playing in the house or at the beach, but longer outdoor adventures require the wheelchair to make Pumpkin’s mobility easier. With or without her wheelchair, Pumpkin always seems to be having the time of her life.

Pumpkin without wheelchair

Pumpkin and Friends Charity

Fox was so inspired by her dog’s journey that she wanted to help more animals like Pumpkin. She created a nonprofit called Pumpkin and Friends Charity, which raises money to donate wheelchairs to dogs with mobility issues. So far, they have gifted over 110 wheelchairs to pets in need.

Of course, Pumpkin is the charming mascot of the charity. On social media, Fox posts adorable photos of Pumpkin and the many dogs that have benefitted from the organization. The charity’s slogan is: “Having a disability isn’t a death sentence. It’s the beginning of a new adventure.”

Woman holding paralyzed dog

“Since owning Pumpkin and starting my charity, my whole perspective has completely changed. Disabled animals are amazing and inspiring. I am passionate about this and want to show the world that these animals deserve to live. Having a disability does not have to be a death sentence,” Fox said.

Special needs animals can make some of the best companions because seeing them come out of their shells and thrive is such a heartwarming experience. If you want to help Pumpkin’s charity support more disabled canines, consider donating to help a dog get a wheelchair.

Featured Image: Facebook

Molly Weinfurter

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