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Tiger Beat releases long-awaited debut tape at Stardust Video and Coffee in Orlando


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Photo by Matthew Moyer

Tiger Beat unveil their new tape during a release show at Stardust

The tale of Orlando dreamcore band Tiger Beat is, like with all rock bands worth their salt, one of triumph and struggle and heartbeats and heartbreaks and ecstatic highs and the lowest of loss-filled lows.

But here we are, on the occasion of Tiger Bear’s album release show, an album soon out on cassette — perhaps the most appropriate physical format, if it’s not going to be out in the world as a 7-inch box set on Norton Records — on North Florida’s Bellicose, a great label that’s released some of Florida’s finest, including Black Caligula and Coffee Stain.

The sound of Tiger Beat is joyous, direct release, the focus squarely on the ecstasy of expression rather than getting in your (tasty) licks. Live, the focus is obviously on frontperson John Rousseau (also of Mother Juno) but this is very much a (capital B) Band with members drawn from Warm Frames and Leatherette and anyone willing to pick up an instrument.

Live, we can’t think of any other bands in recent memory who summon both the just-this-side-of-dangerous sneer of Velvet Underground with the naive openheartedness and desire to connect of a Half Japanese.

Sourdrops, Vestis, Eyelash and Uber Crunch open. Is this a scene? Consult your Magic C86.

8 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, Stardust Video and Coffee.

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Matthew Moyer

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