Self Help
Tia’s Warrior Story Of Battling Through Her Break-up With Therapy – YourDOST Blog
Tia is a 19-year-old final-year B.A Psychology student at O.P. Jindal. In the bustling college town of Sonipat, far from her Kolkata home, she had a great relationship with her family growing up.
Her childhood was warm and she developed a strong bond with her mother, Tia’s transition to college life was smooth. She is passionate about gymming and enjoys going on long drives and trips.
She also expressed that she comes from a progressive family who have always helped her through her needs by having a cordial relationship.
“I have had the fortune to experience a beautiful and memorable childhood and I am grateful for that, as I see it not the case with the many people I meet.”

Tia mentioned that It was during one of the health seminars at college that she first heard of YourDOST. Her college had a tie-up with the organization as the emotional wellness partner. This sparked a curiosity in her to come forward and check the platform out. Tia decided to book her first session to discuss a few things that were bothering her then.
First love is always beautiful and a memory that all of us hold close to our hearts. While it makes some go weak on their knees, for others it weakens their heart.
She booked her session with Ms. Swati who then turned out to be her counselor regularly. Tia and Swati met consistently and were able to exchange dialogue and work towards improving Tia’s mental health.
“I dealt with a huge break-up, and this broke me completely. We were committed for almost a year and it ended leaving me in a state of shock and numbness.”
Tia narrated how speaking about this with her counselor helped her feel relaxed and like an instant lift-up on her mood.
Sharing always feels alien as not everybody is expressive when it comes to speaking about their issues. It is only with time that people find the space to communicate.
While all of us go through multiple phases it can take a lot of our sunshine away when it gets draining.
She spoke of how the memories flashed back with intensity, each one a reminder of the emotional turmoil she had been trying to navigate alone.
“It was as if everything burst out together, and I knew I needed help to start feeling better.”

Let’s say you’ve given all your life to a person and no matter what you do everything is linked to this person. It feels like the world was spinning for the two of us at our own pace, and when it stopped all that mattered was the two of us.
This revelation marked the beginning of Tia’s therapy with Swati, who introduced her to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The focus wasn’t just on addressing the surface-level emotions but delving deeper into understanding the patterns that led to feelings of guilt, self-blame, anger, and isolation. Tia found it increasingly difficult to concentrate in class and maintain friendships which got her feeling overwhelmed and affected her mental health.
Handling break-ups can be a challenge and Tia had a series of breakdowns before she approached therapy.
“It was like learning to speak a language I always knew but never understood,” Tia reflected, marveling at the clarity this understanding brought to her life.
Tia described that the transformation was gradual but undeniable. With each session, she felt a weight lifting off her shoulders, her thoughts becoming clearer and her confidence starting to rebuild.
“I felt heard, and this never felt so good as it did, the overthinking that once plagued me began to evaporate. It’s not just about the changes in me; it’s about feeling light, reflecting, and learning. It’s a two-way street with Swati, and I look forward to our sessions with the excitement of a child.”
The journey wasn’t easy, and there were moments when the shadows of the past threatened to overshadow her progress. Yet, it was in these moments that Tia found her strength through counseling.
The counselor’s ability to make Tia feel seen and understood was a gift, one that Tia cherished deeply. “I haven’t thanked her,” Tia mused, a smile touching her lips. “But I want her to know that our sessions are the highlights of my week, a source of joy and growth that I never knew I needed.

She took up the challenge and did all the tasks as suggested by her counselor.
“Ms. Swati wasn’t just any counselor; she was the epitome of empathy, a guiding light. Her words never felt like advice. Instead, she provided insights that fostered personal growth, making each session with her a journey toward self-discovery.”
In terms of feeling better on a scale of 1 to 5, she rated herself with a solid 4 on 5.
Tia’s Warrior Tips:
1.“If a person is the reason you are being troubled people usually say to stop talking to them. Instead, try communicating with that person. If that is not possible, then self-analyse yourself if this is worth it.”
2.“If you feel anxious because of a person that is causing you to think too much then just turn around and think of your parents and of how much you are loved.”
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