Thumb Thuggin’: Nicki Minaj And Megan Thee Stallion Fans Bully 16-Year-Old ‘Little Miss Flint’ Over Charity Tweet
Nicki Minaj has spent the better part of the past 96 hours tweeting disses, digs, and darts at her imaginary rival Megan Thee Stallion and it appears that there has been some collateral damage in her inexplicable efforts to excoriate the Houston hot girl. The Daily Mail is reporting on “Little Miss Flint”, a 16-year-old Black climate activist from Flint, Michigan named Mari Copeny who had her social media feed flooded with abusive messages from both of the rappers’ Stan fans for offering a simple and practical way for both ladies to take all this attention and do something positive…
Per usual, the Barbz went on the attack in some very vile ways that crystalize what their “fandom” is all about, verbal violence and heinous harassment.
Copeny took to Twitter earlier today to update her followers on the stats of her now-viral tweet, her disappointment in Nicki and Megan’s lack of response, and what she has been dealing with since the Stans caught wind of her peace treaty idea.
Copeny took on the title “Little Miss Flint” as she became known for her indefatigable effort to bring clean water to her city and cities around the country by bringing awareness to the damage that we have done to the environment.
Sure, maybe the Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion “fans” are bots, or AI, or children playing on their momma’s wifi, hell, or even grown-a** women and men who have nothing better to do in their lives other than to act tough online. Regardless, it’s a damn shame that a young girl who is trying to do good had to be subjected to abuse from so many losers.
Jason "Jah" Lee
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