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This Local Fire Dog Can Stop, Drop, and Roll


The Mauldin Fire Department has a new but very cute education assistant, Ember! Ember isn’t just any fire dog, she is specially trained as both a therapy dog and as a pro on fire safety.

Ember knows how to demonstrate stop, drop, and roll as well as some other basic fire safety prevention actions. She also loves kids and firefighters!

Fire Marshall John Centrone rescued Ember, a German Shepherd mix, as a pet for his children. When he took her to puppy class though she was so smart that she had to be promoted to a harder class. Soon, he realized that he had a very special dog that could help the fire station update their fire education program.

Mauldin now has the only animal-assisted fire prevention program near our area. Children’s attention span is typically just 10-12 minutes but an animal can double that attention span. Fire Marshall John Centrone had noticed that while the kids enjoyed the puppet program, their attention would start to wane during the important talk afterwards. Now with Ember, he can keep the kids attention as he teaches fire prevention and reward the kids with meeting Ember after the presentation is over.

Meet Ember at Our Event

We met Ember and quickly realized that our community would love to meet her too. As a result, we have organized a special free Kidding Around® event on Friday, November 15, 2024 from 10-12.

This program will include:

  • Puppet Show
  • Ember Demonstrations & Fire Safety Prevention Tips
  • Tour of the Mauldin Fire Station HQ including seeing the Fire Trucks

This program is appropriate for preschoolers and homeschoolers. Please R.S.V.P. as there are limited spots. We have also asked for you to select tickets based on the ages of your children so that we can plan appropriately.

Mauldin Fire Station Head Quarters
955 West Butler Road, Greenville
November 15, 2024, 10-12
RSVP Required


Bethany Winston

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