Self Help
This is Lopamudra’s Story. – YourDOST Blog
From the lush greenery and the carpet of tea gardens to the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra, comes Lopamudra. Our young and dynamic 23-year-old belongs to a close-knit family of 4 and loves to play and sing along with a ukulele, watch movies and much more.

She has completed her education at IIT Guwahati, and with a background in Humanities and Social science, she is currently residing and working as a Block Project Manager in Rajasthan.
Everything was going good, but the year 2021 saw some major events that swayed Lopamudra into a storm of confusion.
Her relationship with her boyfriend saw an end and she also had a major fight with her best friend. These events left her stranded in a deserted place where she could not process what was happening around her.
“Starting a day felt like starting a new problem. I was not able to get out of bed and would not have any energy to go through the day.”
Shocked at how things turned out, her trust issues began building and she started growing timid. There was a loss of energy for carrying out daily tasks and she was losing concentration in her studies.
Her cloud of confusion was now growing alongside anxiety, depression and self-esteem.
Her family and friends were quite supportive and understanding, however, their care and comforting words were not reaching her.

“I have very few friends and I didn’t know whom to talk about my issues with. The day I realised that my studies are getting affected, I started my search for professional help. I needed to solve these problems on my own.”
Lopamudra decided to reach out for professional help, she got in touch with counselors of YourDOST through her organisation’s partnership.
At first, she had her own doubts regarding confidentiality on an online platform. But after having weekly conversations with her counselor, she started warming up to the essence of counseling and therapy.
She became more trusting of her counselor, the counseling process and herself. Anjana, her counselor seemed to have quite an impression on Lopamudra. She found Anjana to be extremely empathetic, sweet, welcoming and most importantly safe.
“Anjana introduced me to various techniques to help me, and most importantly emphasised the following words: We do not spend all the 24 hours doing something important, there is always time for your priorities if you make time for them.” And I felt that.
Breathing exercises and meditation were recommended to ease her during anxiety attacks. It helped her regain her control over breathing in stressful situations.
Working on making positive assertive statements to bridge her gap in communication with people.
She was also suggested to watch certain Netflix series that helped her become more aware of different approaches to dealing with situations similar to hers.
“At times it was difficult to follow up the methods, but I know if I had not sought professional help, it would have taken much longer to heal.”
Lopamudra recalls that her counselor facilitated in making of schedules for many of her job interviews, and when she landed the job, Anjana was the first one to know about it.

The journey was rocky but Lopamudra emerged victorious beautifully. She is grateful for having her counselor beside her through her hard days. Today she is much more confident and knows how to speak up about things that are not of her liking.
Therapy has helped her in making more informed decisions, build self-confidence and more importantly, evoked her compassion for others’ feelings and emotions.
She describes her improvement as a dynamic developmental process and rated herself a magnificent 4 out of 5 in terms of getting better.
Lopa’s Warrior Tips:
1.“The more you speak up, the better you can let things out.”
2.“Talk to someone professional, they will be able to help you without judging you.”
3.”Counseling sessions are safe spaces to open up, trust the process.”
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