When folks ask what’s the appropriate way to layer retinol into their skin care routine, the list goes as follows: Face wash, calming toner (optional), eye cream (optional, but encouraged), retinol serum of choice, and finally, a face moisturizer. 

Noticeably missing is a lip balm or lip treatment. While lip care isn’t part of the conventional skin care lineup, it can actually be an important missing step to save your skin from irritation. 

“If you have chapped lips all the time, it might be because of your skin care,” board-certified dermatologist Angelo Landriscina, M.D., shared in a TikTok video. Landriscina went on to explain that it’s fairly easy to get your skin care products onto your lips, even if you’re not intentionally applying them to that area. The most common culprits are retinol, but it could also be traced back to AHAs, BHAs, peels, and any strong active. 

Alexandra Engler

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