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These pecans are nuts | The Survival Gardener


My anti-clickbait YouTube videos continue, with a straight-up statement of fact:

I am rather fond of this video – it’s the type I like to make, with consistently entertaining content and fun dialog. It takes longer to make a video like this, but I was helped by two of my children running camera for me and one of them helping with the editing.

Our pecans have yielded us over 25lbs so far, and are continuing to drop nuts. The drought continues, however, so I’m not sure if they’ll yield that well next year. The yams and cassava are suffering too, as are the remaining sweet potatoes and the Jamaican sorrel plants. One day, I may have to set up irrigation in the garden. We usually get a lot of rain over the course of the year, but it isn’t consistent. Sometimes we’ll get six inches, and then sometimes we’ll only get an inch or so in a month or more.

God was good to give us a homestead with some already producing nut trees. We’ll have pecan pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Rachel has at least one good pecan recipe in her new cookbook, which is fully illustrated in color.


David The Good

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