These Are the 14 Best Body Lotions to Ever Exist—Period
As a skincare-obsessed beauty editor, I do everything in my power to care for the skin below my neck as well as I care for the skin above it. After all, skincare is a comprehensive term, and it doesn’t just mean caring for the skin on your face. I had to learn this the hard way. For years, I was lackadaisical when it came to body care. Sure, if I was spending all day at the beach, I would apply sunscreen, and if my skin was visibly dry and flaking, I would apply body lotion, but that was about it. Now that I’m seeing sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles appear on my chest, arms, and legs, I’m taking it more seriously.
And by ‘taking it more seriously,’ I mean using effective body lotions with active ingredients that are targeted towards specific skin concerns (say that five times fast). If I need a brightening body lotion, I’ve got one. If I need a firming body lotion, I have one of those too. What about a retinol or SPF-infused formula? Yep, I have them both in my bathroom cabinet. It took trial and error—and product recommendations sourced from other beauty editors and the internet—but I’m convinced that I’ve found the best body lotions that money can buy. Ahead, see them all.
Kaitlyn McLintock
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