Zolita has made us fall in love for the first time… again! One thing that has truly made her unique amongst other emerging artists is her ability to captivate audiences. Of course, she uses lyrics and melodies to tell the story, as all good songwriters do, but it’s her music videos that submerge us completely into the world she’s created.
The last time we saw Zolita, she had torn us to pieces with ‘Ruin My Life,’ which told us the story of the reconnection of Zoey and Ashley. Before she left us with the dreaded “to be continued,” we joined Zoë in her return to her hometown to celebrate Ashley’s wedding. The two went out with their friends for a rockin’ bachelorette party and sparks seemed to fly. Then, nothing but questions. Would Ashley realize she was in love with Zoë and leave her wife at the altar? Would Zoë decide to leave it all in the past? Let’s find out!
‘Ashley’ is the perfect finale! Zolita takes us back to their childhood years with clips of their developing friendship, which might be a little bit more. With innocence, whimsy, and wonder, the video mirrors the song perfectly. Although light in tune, ‘Ashley’ talks about a love so strong that even if it could destroy us, we still want it.
Want more Zolita? You’re in luck. Her EP, Falling Out / Falling In, will be released on February 10th and we’re so excited! If you haven’t pre-saved her EP yet don’t worry, we’ve got you. You can click the link here to pre-save on Spotify, Apple Music, and more! Are you as in love with ‘Ashley’ as we are? Tell us in the comments or find us on social media – @thehoneypop on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!