Autumn in the Lowveld, it doesn’t get much better! April is my favourite time of year on the reserve; the temperatures have started to cool down, the sunrises and sunsets are magical, the bush is still relatively green after the rains and there is still a fair amount of water to go around.

This last week we watched a herd of buffalos drinking from a waterhole in the southwestern parts of the reserve, one of my favourite spots to enjoy watching the sunset behind the Drakensberg Mountains  – which is exactly what we proceeded to do! The following evening our drinks stop was interrupted by a hyena incessantly calling nearby, it was an inquisitive journey of giraffes that pointed us in the direction of the culprit, which in turn led us to a pack of three wild dogs running along the airstrip. After a postponed sundowner we made our way back to camp under the full moon.

On the bird front, we marvelled at a flock of black stalks perched together in the Sand River near our causeway and viewed a regal martial eagle perched in a dead knobthorn tree.

Since the Nkoveni Female has introduced her three cubs to meat as part of their diet, the four of them have been providing some amazing viewing. Late one evening we watched her hoist a kill into a marula tree which was fantastic enough in itself, but it was watching the cubs climbing up and down a dead leadwood tree the following morning that did it for me.

One of the biggest risks to the survival of these cubs is the young male leopards that roam through the area. The Ntomi Male is one of them. Although he has been spending most of the time on the western side of the reserve, he has been seen throughout Sparta as he continues to grow in confidence and stature.

Last but not least, and drawing our attention back away from predators, we enjoyed a beautiful scene of three white rhinos in the Manyelethi Riverbed on a misty Autumn’s morning and watched hippos in various waterholes enjoying the abundance of water that still provides for so many species on the reserve.

You will notice that for a few of the photographs I have included a second edit. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Enjoy This Week In Pictures…

A tiny hippo calf stays afloat on its mother’s back. Hippos can’t swim and neither can they float, so it is not uncommon to see young calves like this using their mother as a floatation device!

Full Moon [rcb]

A warm, full moon. Illuminated by the golden hue created by the sun that had just set on the opposite side of the horizon

Nkoveni Leopard Cub In Dead Leadwood (7) [rcb]

One of the NkoveniFfemale leopard’s cubs pauses during its descent of a dead leadwood tree.

Wild Dogs Running On Airstrip (3) [rcb]

This pack of three wild dogs has been roaming the central parts of Londolozi for a few months now. It would seem as though the only remaining female in the pack is pregnant and we are holding thumbs that they choose to den on Londolozi


The hyena led us straight to the pack of three wild dogs, that we searching for pray in the clearings surrounding the airstrip

Hyeana Walking Past Giraffe At Sunset [rcb]

This photograph was actually taken after we had viewed the wild dogs that she led us to. I love how nonchalantly she walked past this journey of giraffes (as she had done earlier that afternoon) as if they weren’t even there.

Buffalo Cow Drinking [rcb]

A buffalo cow immerses herself in a waterhole right next to our vehicle and slurps up some water after a warm autumn’s day.


Nkoveni Female Hoisting Impala (14) [rcb] Enhanced Nr

The Nkoveni Female shows her immense strength by dragging this fully-grown impala up the trunk of a Marula tree

A gorgeous female who is found to the east of camp. Easily recognised by her 2:2 spot pattern she is often to be found in Marula trees.


Spotted this leopard?

You’ve seen this leopard

88 sightings by Members

Martial Eagle Perched In Dead Knobthorn Tree [rcb]

The largest eagle that we see on Londolozi, the Martial eagle, poses regally on the branch of a dead knobthorn tree

Martial Eagle Perched In Dead Knobthorn Tree High Key [rcb]

A slightly different pose, and edit too. Which one do you prefer?

Ntomi Male In Jackalberry (2) [rcb]

The Ntomi Male Leopard gazes in our direction through the foliage of a scotia tree.

A single cub of the Ximungwe Female’s second litter. Initially rather skittish but is very relaxed now. Birth mark in his left eye.


Spotted this leopard?

You’ve seen this leopard

40 sightings by Members

Rhino In Manyelethi [rcb]

A beautiful scene of three white rhinos in the Manyelethi Riverbed. This was most likely where they had rested during the night and we caught them just as they were waking up.

Eye Level Hippos In Water [rcb]

Two young hippo bulls eye each other out. As they were fairly relaxed we were able to get out of the vehicle and photograph them, allowing us to get an eye-level view.


Generations Of Elephants Drinking [rcb]

Three generations of elephants have a drink of water in the late afternoon. If you look carefully enough you will notice the trunk of the youngest individual in between the two others.

Robert Ball

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