As we close out another week in the strikingly beautiful wilderness at Londolozi, this selection of images certainly displays the abundance and diversity we share this land with. Lions have undoubtedly shown up in their numbers, particularly the male lions of Londolozi. We have seen the return of the Birmingham Male and Nkuhuma Male. Although difficult to say that they are dominant males, it is believed that they have been heard calling at night. Are they around to stay? Maybe with the one Northern Avoca dying not so long ago and a second facing a brutal encounter with a herd of buffalo on Wednesday, there could be an opening in the north for the Birmingham Coalition to put the last healthy Northern Avoca to the test. However, time will tell and let us see what comes of the Dark maned Avoca Male.

The Ndhenga Males have kept themselves busy while feasting on a large giraffe carcass in the deep south and all the activity around that was fascinating to watch.

Firmly in summer, the small creatures are moving around making the most of the new growth and plentiful water. Elephants and their young roam around entertaining all those nearby.

On the Leopard front, the Senegal Bush Male’s determination in patrolling his territory allows Kyle to capture a great shot of him illuminated against a dark black background. The Nhlanguleni Female is the other leopard to feature as she glances up towards a young impala lamb stashed in a large tree.

Enjoy this week in Pictures…

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The sun managed to briefly creep out beneath a stormy sky to make for an outrageously stunning scene with the Birmingham male in the foreground.

Initially skittish she spent a lot of time in the Sand River, now relaxed she makes up the majority of leopard viewing west of camp.


Spotted this leopard?

You’ve seen this leopard

49 sightings by Members

Sdz 9917 Giant Land Snail

A giant land snail inches its way across the tyre tracks in the road in the early morning post a large thunderstorm.

KA Breeding Herd Drinking Shingi Dam

A large breeding herd congregates around a water hole to quench their thirst.

Sdz 7699

High key in colour definitely accentuates the vibrant greens of the new summer growth.

KA Elephant Toenails close up

An elephant’s sense of touch largely depends on the sensitivity of the soles of their feet, having the ability to interpret low infrasonic frequencies as part of their communication amongst species.

Sdz 9903 Giant Land Snail

The summertime brings out all the most fascinating of small creatures.

Ct Giraffe Pano

A female giraffe keeps a beady eye on the Tsalala Lioness who was lying about 100m away in an open clearing. The backdrop of the fading colours in the evening sky provided a great photographic opportunity.

Sdz 9558 Ndzhenga Male Chase Vulture Giraffe Carcass

Although there was more than enough meat to go around and this lion’s belly was full to the max, he would not let any vultures get anywhere near the carcass.

Senegal Bush Male Night Kng 2

The Senegal Bush Male pauses in an open clearing whilst on his nighttime patrol.

Initially seen as a young male in 2016, this leopard only properly established territory on Londolozi in mid-2019


Spotted this leopard?

You’ve seen this leopard

30 sightings by Members

Elephant Calf Kng 3

Curiosity. A tiny elephant calf manages to get his trunk under control for long enough to give our vehicle an inspectorial sniff.

Ct Giraffe On Airstrip 1

A small journey of giraffes wander around the open grassland near the northern end of the airstrip. We were sitting with the Tsalala Lioness at the bottom of the slope which gave an interesting perspective of the giraffe as they came to investigate.

Sdz 9882 Impala Lamb

With this week we welcome some of the first impala lambs.

KA NT Tsalala Lioness 2

Nothing better than spending the morning following a lioness on a mission. The adapted lifestyle of the lone Tsalala Lioness sees her mostly moving around and hunting during the daylight hours. This helps her avoid the incessant harassment from hyenas and other predators.

Wild Dog Bloody Kng

Well bloodied and well gorged, this wild dog soon needed a nap after he and his pack devoured not one but two impala!

Lion Giraffe Kng

One of the Ndhzenga Males battles with the tough skin of a giraffe while trying to feed on some of the meat beneath.

KA Baby Leopard Tortoise Side Profile

Leopard tortoises have revealed themselves from their hidey-hole to come and feast on the new grass shoots and replenish their fluids after a period of dormancy over the dry months.

Ct Ndzenga Male Watching Vultures

With the Ndzhenga Males and the bulk of the Ntsevu Pride feasting on the giraffe recently, we’ve had some fantastic lion viewing. Here, one of the Ndzenga males glances up at a circling vulture above him.

White Backed Vulture Giraffe Carcass Kng

King of the castle. This White-backed Vulture reigned supreme on the ribs of a giraffe carcass for all of two minutes before being dethroned by another.

Sdz 9083 Birminghm Male

The Birmingham Coalition has been spending a fair amount of time back on Londolozi. Constantly on the move, we are uncertain as to whether they may settle if they will settle at all.

Sdz 9072 Birmingham Male Clearing B&w

An iconic view of a large dominant male resting out in the open.

Sean Zeederberg

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