They may not be able to jump those turnstiles like they could decades ago, but that didn’t stop The Warriors from coming out to pla-ay. In 2015, several members of the fictional Coney Island gang that somehow inspired real-life violence in the summer of 1979 reunited to recreate their iconic subway ride home to Brooklyn as part of a fan-organized event.

Rolling Stone took a ride on the Q with most of the gang’s original members, including Michael Beck (Swan), Dorsey Wright (Cleon), Terry Michos (Vermin), David Harris (Cochise), and Thomas G. Waites (Fox) to witness history in the remaking. The reunion did not go unnoticed by fellow straphangers.

The stakes weren’t nearly as high this time around, as The Warriors already knew the ending. Though in this case, they were met by enthusiastic fans upon their arrival in Coney Island (some from as far away as Scotland) not a gun-toting Luther and the rest of the Rogues.

“I just love being here with all the fans,” Beck told Rolling Stone. “I see kids coming here, eight years old, and I go ‘How do you even know about this movie?’”

Kids: They can dig it.

[h/t Rolling Stone]

Jennifer M Wood

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