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The Truth About Tofu | Healthy Nest Nutrition


Tofu Nutrition Facts
Tofu is made of condensed soymilk that is pressed into solid blocks — similar to how cheese is made. It is best to buy organic, because most of the soybeans in this country are genetically modified (GMO) and we just don’t have good data on whether GMOs are actually harmful and in exactly what way).

Tofu is nutrient dense, with three and half ounces of firm tofu containing 144 calories, 17g protein, 3g carb, 9g fat, 53% daily value (DV) calcium, a good source of manganese (51% DV), selenium (32% DV) and copper (42% DV), and a pretty good source of vitamin A (18% DV), zinc (14% DV), magnesium (14% DV) and iron (15% DV). Tofu also has some B vitamins. Tofu is considered a complete protein, having all nine essential amino acids.

Tofu Anti-Nutrients
Tofu does contain phytates, which reduces the absorption of minerals calcium, zinc and iron. Best to have some soy in the fermented version, miso, tamari (gf soy) and tempeh, which helps to reduce the effects of the phytate component.

Tofu also has isoflavones, which are compounds that are structurally similar to the estrogen hormones. According to nutrition researchers at Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health, adding soy to your diet has benefits for heart and metabolic health. And isoflavones are actually weak estrogens that are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and have anti-oxidant properties. YAY!

Tofu + Cancer
There has been worry for a long time that the isoflavones in soy promote breast cancer. Through research we know that women who eat higher amounts of soy have NO greater risk or LOWER risk of developing breast cancer than those who eat little to no soy. (This research was done by Xiao-Ou Shu, a professor of epidemiology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine). There is also research to suggest it has protective effects with prostate and lung cancer.

Menopause + Aging
There are some smaller research studies that point to soy reducing hot flashes. The WELL article feels it would OK to include 1-2 servings per day of WHOLE food soy into the diet to minimize the impact of hot flashes. There is also limited research to suggest that dietary soy is associated with lower risk of bone issues in post-menopausal women.

Tofu + Heart Health
In a 2020 study, it was found that tofu (and associated isoflavones) has heart benefits and was associated with moderately lowered risk of coronary heart disease.

The article didn’t address thyroid, but it is well researched that soy is a thyroid inhibitor and should be used sparingly if one has a history of thyroid problems.

Environmental Impact
Soy, along with other plant-based proteins, have lower greenhouse gas footprints than animal proteins.



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