The Simple Appliance Cord Solution We’re Using Everywhere
When you’re buying new kitchen appliances (especially ones that are as beautiful as they are functional), it makes sense that you’d want to keep them on display. After all, who has time to delve into the backs of their cabinets every time they want to make some toast or brew a cup of tea?
However, one less-than-ideal thing that comes with having lots of appliances is that they come with cords that can quickly look messy. To solve this, a TikToker shared two creative hacks on how to keep them in order and (mostly) out of sight.
TikToker @ash.tho often shares home and lifestyle content with their 267,000 followers. In a series called “Everything Has a Place,” they share small changes that can make a big difference when it comes to apartment living. In one clip that now has over 206,000 likes, they show how you can easily keep your countertops tidy for free with cable ties off of bread packaging, or for just a few bucks, cord holders that can easily be stuck onto the side of appliances.
“You already know I love hiding things behind other things,” they began. “So that I never have cord showing, I’ve spent my whole life using these, like, twist ties that you get on bread.”
While that’s a genius method in itself, it can get a little bit fiddly. In an upgrade from their twist tie hack, they have begun using special cord holders that make things so much easier.
“They’re backed with adhesive, you can put it on the actual item or the outlet itself, “and you just wrap the cord around,” they explained.
Emma Kershaw
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