The address of the No. 1 Bistro at Mackays Hotel in Scotland is easy to remember. It’s the only property on Ebenezer Place, which holds the record for world’s shortest street at 6 feet and 9 inches long.

Entrepreneur Alexander Sinclair had Mackays Hotel built in the town of Wick in 1883. After seeing the building’s unusual wedge shape, the town council decided that the short end where the front entrance is located should have its own street. The address No. 1 was posted outside, and in 1887, the name Ebenezer Place started appearing in town records.

Giving a building its own street may seem impractical, but the exclusive address serves a purpose. It helps patrons find the restaurant in the middle of a confusing intersection. The unique locale has also earned Wick international recognition: In 2006, Guinness Book of World Records editor-in-chief Craig Glenday traveled 50 hours through a storm to certify the site.

For a look at the inside of No. 1 Bistro, check out the video below.

The restaurant at Mackays Hotel is just one example of architecture with an unusual history. Here are some spite houses from around the world that definitely fit that description.

Michele Debczak

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