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The Sam & Max remaster continues with a trailer for The Devil’s Playhouse


Hope you’re ready for cosmical and magical adventure, because Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse Remastered is coming in 2023, and Skunkape Games has released a new trailer teasing the return of what is definitely the most wild-ride-bonkers entry in the series. Started back in 1993, Sam and Max are pretty venerable characters in PC Gaming, and it’s good to see them looking so good again.

This is after all the entry that includes an alien invasion, straight-up cosmic horror gods, magical artifact toys for Max, and a kind of apocalypse type… thing. Oh right and there are clones, like, a lot of them. Look, it gets wild, even by Sam and Max standards, and if wacky adventures are you’re thing I think you’d be well-served to get those other two remasters played by whenever it is in 2023 this gets released.


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