Every home has its familiar sounds. Whether it’s birds chirping outside a specific window, the muffled footsteps of upstairs neighbors, excited shrieks from kids in the backyards running through sprinklers, or a long string of honks below a window, these occurrences can often serve as unintentional time checks. I know it’s 7 a.m. when I hear the whirr of the coffee grinder and the whistle of the kettle (my roommate loves starting her day with a couple of cups from the French press); It’s mid-afternoon when the voices of the two older men who take their lunch break on my apartment building’s stoop waft up through my open window; I don’t have to look at the clock when I’m woken up by the loud clang of the radiator in January (nine times out of ten it’s roughly 3:30 a.m.).

In the summer, the sound that’s constant in my apartment—a noise that could be considered an unofficial soundtrack, if I want to be dramatic (I do)—is the subtle swoosh of a salad spinner. Yes, you read that correctly: The subtle swoosh of a salad spinner.

I know it’s not a hot take, but salads are a constant in my apartment during the summer months. When it’s 90 degrees outside, I want something easy, fresh, and light enough to pair with almost anything else. (Anyone who has eaten with me knows I’m a sucker for ordering a salad with a bowl of fries.) Last summer, my roommate, Abby, came home proudly carrying this OXO Salad Spinner to make our summer salad menu even easier.

Before this salad accessory was introduced to our kitchen, I would quickly run my romaine under the faucet and call it clean—or, much to my colleagues’ horror, I’d just throw it in a bowl unwashed (I know, don’t yell at me). But now, every piece of produce I eat at home is clean as can be. This handy spinner uses centrifugal force—it puts pressure on the spinning greens—to wick water right off the leaves, leaving you with clean and ready-to-eat produce. It also has a basket inside that doubles as a colander for quick rinsing, meaning it can also be used to wash other fruits, herbs, and vegetables. The special trick is the spinner not only washes, it dries too. Just drop your produce inside, set the lid on top, then give the knob a few presses.

Our community loves it, too. The spinner has a 4.8-star rating and is praised for how easy it is to use and store. “I love this smaller spinner for easy salads and easy clean-up,” writes Jade D. “Because of the perfect size, I also use it to wash and rinse veggies and fruit.” Dale S, another reviewer, agrees: “I’ve had a similar spinner for years, much larger and bulkier, and doesn’t fit quite right where I would like to store it….and then I saw this little gem. It is big enough for a handful of lettuce leaves so perfect for a fresh crisp salad for one or maybe two. And of course, great for handfuls of fresh herbs.”

Psst! There’s even a glass version if that’s more your speed.

Do you use a salad spinner? Let us know your favorite salad recipes below!

From Our Shop

Julia Gómez Kramer

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