What do you do after dinner?

Typically do a little bit of work or just hang out with folks at home. And then I have done something recently that has really helped. Super low-cost: I took a page out of the playbook from my good friend Rick Rubin, who for years in his home, after the sun goes down, he switches over to red lights. Now I’m not talking about a red light unit. He purchased just red party lights for the evening. There are data that show that it greatly reduces nighttime cortisol, even for shift workers. So new parents, shift workers, if you need to be awake at night, try and be under red light if you can. And not those bright artificial lights, because keep in mind those bright artificial lights, or even if you dim them down, if they’re very blue, very white, even if you wear blue blockers. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m, they’re really going to disrupt your hormones, reduce melatonin, disrupt testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, that really can cause all sorts of negative effects. 

So in the evening, I’m switching to red lights and it’s cool. It gives the house a nice tone and it makes it much easier to fall asleep, much easier to fall asleep. 

Where do you get your uniform from, like your jeans and your black shirts?

Starting from bottom up, I wear Adidas. The Busenitz Adidas are the only shoes I wear unless it’s a dress shoe, in which case I wear a dress shoe. I get the jeans—I have the same pair of black jeans—I think they’re called Federal. I found them, and I liked them and I just own like 10 pairs of those jeans.

And then for the shirts, these black shirts I found a couple of years ago, Vince makes these black shirts, and I get them. Because I have a short torso and long arms, all my height is in my legs, and so I have to have them adjusted and tailored. And so any time I’m in any city and there’s a Vince store, I’m going there. 

But actually, if you’re in New York, there’s a great spot that sells flannels and belts that I love, and I always make a beeline for their for jackets and flannels and belts, which is down the lower East side, called Self Edge.

Those guys are the best. And so I’m almost reluctant to tell people about it because it’s like I don’t want all the good stuff to get taken, but they have beautiful things there. And the cost is very well justified because the stuff lasts a really long time—

Yeah, their stuff is so good. 

And then I’m a watch nut, but that’s not because I own many of them, I actually only own one watch, and I have my Bremont ALT1-C. So I’ve been wearing Bremonts for a very long time. Timekeeping and time perception is a big thing for me. And so this was a gift to myself when I got tenure, gosh, seven years ago. And I think they make beautiful time pieces. And so I’m kind of obsessed with their stuff too. So I have obsessions.


I have one truck, one watch, own a lot of these black shirts and jeans, and a lot of pairs of the Busenitz Adidas. But again, I’m not somebody who buys a lot of stuff, but the stuff I do love,  I love, love, love.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Chris Gayomali

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