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The Power of Social Media and Our Sexual Health


Social Media… Some of us grew up with it, some of us had to learn how to use it, and some of us couldn’t live without it. Whatever your opinion is, you cannot deny the impact social media has had on our daily lives, especially in the world of sexual health at Maze Health

We recently partnered up with Marcella Hill, author of “Wake Her Up,” after seeing her viral video about Bio Identical Hormone Therapy, go viral on TikTok. A video that garnered 9.2 million, the most shocking part was the comments. Of the nearly 16,000 comments, the most common ones caught our attention: 

@queen_but_how wrote, “I need this how do I find it”

@peachmartini_ wrote, “Wow! This is me. I’m 33. I need help.”

@empathicmama111 wrote, “Where can I go get this hormone therapy?? Please help. I have the exact same issues!!!!

@ohemgeee2 wrote, “I am everything you just described. Hate touching, tired, no drive. Here I thought it was just me.

Hill responded to that last one, “Apparently it’s not not just you and me. Are you reading these comments?”

These were people not only experiencing the same things we treat at Maze, but things we have seen improvements with, especially using hormone therapy. And that’s where Maze stepped in and connected with Hill. 

Social Media started the conversation, and Maze is ready to continue it. We are excited about our partnership with Marcella Hill and to see what’s to come. Even if its just getting the word out that you are not alone. 

Check out Marcella Hill on TikTok @beingmarcellahill and on our page @mazewomenshealth. And if you are ready to take that next step, give us a call for a 10 minute free consultation, or fill out an inquiry below!


Emily Asaro

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