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The Power of Silence in A World of Noise w/ Justin Zorn & Leigh Marz (TPS427)


How do you stand out in a world of noise? With silence!

It may sound counterintuitive, but in this episode, leadership coaches Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn from Astrea Strategies share how you can use the power of silence, and how to find moments of peace and clarity in our increasingly busy lives.

They also discuss lessons and actionable strategies from their new book Golden: The Power of Silence in A World of Noise

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  • What exactly does Leigh do? [3:06]
  • How did Justin’s career play a role in the book he co-wrote with Leigh? [4:30]
  • What type of person are Justin’s practices most applicable to? [7:13]
  • How does Leigh suggest conceptualizing silence? [9:21]
  • How do people respond when asked what the deepest silence they’ve ever known is? [12:45]
  • How has loudness progressed over time? [18:02]
  • How do you reduce internal noise specifically? [20:01]
  • What are some ways to “temporarily reset” your day? [26:21]
  • Why is silence scary? [31:01]
  • What are some strategies Justin and Leigh look at for finding your silence? [37:49]
  • How can you reduce your intentional and unintentional noise? [40:46]
  • Action step you can take to integrate today’s topic into your life [45:18]
  • Closing Remarks [50:45]

Connect with Justin Zorn & Leigh Marz

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