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The NFL Players Federation Names Cinderella Zephyr “The Best Female Comedian In The USA”


Tuesday, 29 November 2022

HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) – Cinderella Zephyr, who utters more cuss words that lumberjacks at an Oregon lumberjack camp has just been named The Best Comedian In the USA by The NFL Players Federation.

Zephyr who is 28, is in the Gunness Book of World Records for having uttered the word “Pussy,” more times than any other comedian in the US.

Cinderella, or Cindy, as her uncle Bucky, calls her has been tabbed with the moniker, “The Biggest Friggin’ Flaming, Foul-Mouthed Redhead” on the face of the Earth.

SIDENOTE: Miss Zephyr, who says she has sexual intercourse at least four times a day, noted that she has had sexual relations (intimate sex) with over 6,000 males.


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