Self Help
The Moneyball Stat in Your Business – Early To Rise
Verne shared a couple of great points… apply them to your business today!
– Moneyball Stat – What is the ONE stat in your business that is the most important metric for your business? There should only be one moneyball stat that drives the success of your business. Double down on that moneyball stat as that will be the biggest indicator of your growth/success
– Idiot Index – What’s taking your company too long or costing your company too much money? Stop being an idiot and solve it or cut it.
– 5 Top Client Questions – Identify the top 5 questions your business gets from potential clients. Once you identify those questions, write an article on those top 5 questions answering them, and then put that on your website. People desire transparency and authenticity these days.
– 5 Minute Assessment – Create a simple 5 minute assessment your audience can take that provides them a score, and then you show them how you can increase their score with your systems, coaching, etc.
Now for a mindset column to finish off the week… and help get you on the fast-track to financial, physical, and Mindset independence!
Insecurity & Imposter Syndrome Solutions
One of my clients runs a successful coaching business and said:
“My child goes to a very affluent school. The parents of the other kids are wealthy and intelligent.
“I feel like an imposter in this setting as I don’t have a big ‘job’ and I make a lot less money”.
“I feel like crap after every school social event and I want to stop feeling this way as it is my own insecurity. My child is getting an amazing education and loves it there. Any mindset advice?”
CB’s Reply:
I understand how you feel.
I’ve found myself in a lot of rooms over the years where I felt out place…
From being around big name $100 million dollar internet marketers or 9-figure Bitcoin entrepreneurs making 100x’s more money than me… and who all seem to have “everything figured out”.
It’s easy to be hard on ourselves in those situations.
To feel unworthy… like we don’t belong.
But that’s not helpful.
I have some help.
But first, before I answer your mindset question directly, let’s look at what is this here to teach you about your coaching business…
The answer to my question is that many people attend your coaching business events feeling “unworthy”.
It might be one of the reasons they don’t buy your coaching programs!
They look around the room and think, “Everyone else is better, smarter, more advanced, and richer than me. I’m not good enough to join this coaching program.”
It’s your job as a coach– at all your future events – to spend extra time making sure that everyone in the room feels comfortable. They need to know they are in the right place.
You and I both know what you’d say to them:
“Where you are in your business right now doesn’t matter…
“What matters is where you’re going, and the impact you’re having… and will have!
“Success is about character and determination.
“I can see that in you, and I believe in you.
“If you follow the plan we create for you, you’ll succeed.”
(Gosh, doesn’t that sound like good advice we should all take?)
Second, before we think about how you are to deal with your current feeling…
Remember, the number one reason your daughter is at this school is for her.
Does she love it? Yes, she does!
Does she love the people? Sounds like it!
Is she flourishing? Sounds like it too!
So what else matters?
Third, of course your feelings matter, too. So let’s address that…
We are all children of God.
In God’s eyes, money doesn’t matter.
Having a “job” doesn’t matter.
(In fact, God might smile more upon those of us that make our own schedules!).
God put everyone on earth to play a role.
Your goal is to become more comfortable in your role as a coach…
And let those wealthier lawyers, Wall Street types, etc. play their role.
Your job is to become comfortable in your own skin.
Bedros and I talk about this early in our podcast here
As he’s grown older, he says that is one of the best things he’s achieved in life is being comfortable in his own skin.
Someone who is comfortable in their own skin doesn’t worry about what others think of them…
They know who they are, and they act accordingly… not to impress others, but to live a good life.
Everyone has flaws.
Everyone has insecurities.
But what is a flaw to us (“no job”) is a goal in the eyes of others.
Everyone in that room at your daughter’s school is probably insecure.
The BMW guy looks at the Rolls Royce guy and feels jealousy.
The divorced dads look at the married dads with envy.
One guy makes a million but the guy beside him makes two.
The bald guys are ashamed to be around guys like you with hair!
Almost everyone is sitting there mired in the muck of comparison syndrome.
Everyone except for those few who are comfortable in their own skin.
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not but rejoices for those which he has.” ― Epictetus
Don’t forget to be grateful for what you have…
You are fit.
You are married.
You are a successful entrepreneur.
And anyone who has a million-dollar net worth is one of just 60 million millionaires in the world… that makes up less than 1% of the world’s population.
You are part of the 1%.
And most important, you have a daughter that loves her school… and her dad.
Bottom Line:
In the eyes of God and in the grand scheme of the Universe…
We are all specks of dust on a tiny planet in a small galaxy amongst the 2 trillion galaxies in an ever-expanding universe.
And one day, we’ll be dead… and we won’t feel any insecurity.
Much better to be alive today (and a little insecure) so that we can be working on ourselves.
Maybe I didn’t answer your question, but I feel better after that rambling!
Craig Ballantyne
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