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The Maw – 8th-13th April


Time for another sorry week of heaving news-fuel into the Maw’s thousand-and-one gullets and urgh, what’s that brooding stench? It reeks of embargoes in here. The air is foul with it. This week is the week of the inaugural Triple-I Initiative showcase, aka the IIIIs, aka a 45-minute dollop of trailers and announcements from such studios as Slay The Spire creators MegaCrit and Darkest Dungeon developers Red Hook. We know of a couple of the announcements in advance; others, we’ll learn about alongside you on 10th April.

There won’t just be game announcements this week, of course. In a shocking twist with unforeseeable implications, people are actually releasing games too. Here are a few we think might be OK-to-brilliant: “Lofi Girl: The Game” Spirit City: Lofi Sessions (8th April); arty sniper fest Children Of The Sun (9th April); Lovecraftian Freelancer homage Underspace (early access, 10th April); third-person stealth fantasy Ereban: Shadow Legacy (10th April); isometric Mad Max-alot Broken Roads (10th April); swoopy cosy MMO Sky: Children of the Light (early access, 10th April); mythological Chinese roguelike Lotus Lantern: Rescue Mother (12th April).

As ever, our servitude to the Maw often produces catastrophic tunnel-vision, and there may be a few more potentially great videogames out this week that should have been mentioned above. Please, please tell us about them in the comments. I am not made of eyes! The Maw is made of eyes, of course – together with suckers, motorised mandibles, assorted quantum superpositions, bits of medieval poetry and pieces of cosmic whalebone – but it has never left us a comment. Which is probably for the best.


Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

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