The ancient art of tracking has been at the heart of our safari experience at Londolozi since the 1970’s, transforming each wilderness adventure into a deeper connection with the wild. Tracking is not only a ancient art-form and skill but an integral part of the Londolozi story, offering guests an unparalleled glimpse into the lives of elusive predators like leopards. This tradition, pioneered and perfected by our expert trackers, has set a global standard in wildlife conservation and ecotourism.

At Londolozi, the bond between humans and the wild is exemplified through the remarkable ranger and tracker partnerships that have flourished over the years. Among the most celebrated duos is none other than Londolozi legends and alumni, Alex van den Heever and Renias Mhlongo, whose dedication and skill have enchanted countless guests with the wonders of the wild. These gentlemen had an incredible working relationship at Londolozi, and have gone on to create and spread more pockets of light together…

A Remarkable Partnership

Renais Mhlongo is hailed as one of Africa’s premier trackers, and rightly so. His expertise has led him to track elusive predators across the globe – from mountain lions in Patagonia to bears in the United States and jaguars in the Amazon rainforest. Alex van den Heever, formerly Londolozi’s Head Ranger and Land Care Manager, has since become an internationally recognized tracker and motivational speaker. Alex and Renias are also now proud owners of their own safari lodge, Kruger Untamed.

Tg Alex Rennias

Alex & Renias

Together, they offer a unique insight into the profound relationship between Londolozi and its leopards, and are custodians of ensuring the ancient art of tracking continues to flourish. Here is what they had to say;

“When Renias and I worked at Londolozi in the mid-1990s, the leopard viewing was exceptional. We witnessed them hunting, mating, and raising their cubs. On one unforgettable occasion, we even walked with a wild leopard while she hunted, with no sign of aggression or irritation from her.” ~ Alex van den Heever

Leopards symbolise intelligence and independence, exuding an intangible sense of power. Their mysterious nature is alluring, promoting a deep-seated desire to draw closer. For Alex, this connection was so strong it even manifested in dreams of befriending a leopard – a testament to their enigmatic charm and the allure they hold for people around the world.

Alex and Renias Tracking Lions

Alex and Renias Tracking Lions in the mid-1990s

However, this abundance of leopard sightings wasn’t always the norm. In the early 1970s, Dave Varty recalls, glimpsing a leopard at Londolozi was an extremely rare event. Alarm calls from monkeys or the remains of an impala carcass hanging in a tree were often the only indicators of their presence.

Today the Sabi Sand Game Reserve is renowned for its leopard sightings – a success story with its roots beginning at Londolozi. This transformation can be traced back to the early efforts of Londolozi’s pioneering trackers, who were instrumental in revealing the secrets of these elusive and graceful cats.

Leopard Branch Yawn Aj

The Pioneering Trackers

Londolozi’s original tracking team consisted of legendary figures such as Elmon Mhlongo, Phineas Mhlongo, Kimbian Mnisi, Richard Wiwela and later, Renias Mhlongo. These trackers were unparalleled in their ability to follow leopards on foot, often achieving what seemed impossible. Richard Siwela, for instance, spent an unbroken 42 years tracking leopards at Londolozi, boasting a success rate of about 70% at the height of his career.

The success of these trackers stemmed from their refined skills, innate knowledge of the land, and their unwavering tenacity. They developed a unique rapport with leopards, enabling humans to observe these magnificent animals without altering their natural behaviour.


Phineas Mhlongo & Kimbian Mnisi – Original Leopard Trackers

Elmon Mhlongo Legendary Tracker & Film Maker

Elmon Mhlongo – Legendary Tracker & Film Maker

A Legacy Of Connection

Over five decades, an extraordinary connection has developed between humans and leopards at Londolozi. This relationship, built on years of respect and reverence, has allowed the leopards to become silent partners in the conservation effort, fostering a thriving wilderness sanctuary, and calls guests worldwide to visit Londolozi and its leopards each year.

The ancient art of tracking, passionately driven by Londolozi’s trackers, plays a crucial role in modern conservation. The skills and methodologies honed here have inspired similar practices worldwide, underscoring the enduring relevance and absolute importance of traditional tracking in contemporary wildlife management.

Today, this legacy stands alive and well.

Tracking With Trevor

Londolozi Ranger Tracker Team 2023 Ex Pat Amanda Ritchie 8423 2

The 2023 Ranging and Tracker team

Tracker Academy

The future of this vital skill is secured today through the Tracker Academy, a powerful initiative led by Alex and Renias, the brainchild of Gaynor Rupert and supported by the Rupert Foundation. This not-for-profit academy trains young men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds in the ancient art of tracking, equipping them for careers in the ecotourism industry. The Tracker Academy has created a movement where respect and true reverence has been created for the art of tracking.

Graduates of the Tracker Academy now form a significant portion of Lonodolozi’s tracking team, continuing the legacy of their predecessors. Tracker Academy’s recent initiative, Rhino Guardians, develops and mentors individuals with combat and tracking training to safeguard Rhinos. An incredible success story, all stemming from the pairing of Alex and Renias as an epic ranger and tracker combination at Londolozi all those years ago. They have gone on to ensure that this ancient art form is not only preserved but positively impacts communities for generations to come.

“The Rhino Guardians Project will see trackers who are trained specifically for wildlife protection, especially Rhino. This follows ongoing requests from National Parks, Wildlife NGOs, and private reserves for the Tracker Academy to train and upskill trackers to bolster protection efforts. We are now preparing trackers to prove that traditional tracking skills and ancient wisdom will be critical for counter-poaching efforts” – Alex van den Heever


How to Contribute

  • If you would like some more detailed, one-on-one information, or if you would like to make a donation to the Londolozi Ripple Fund and start your own ripple effect, please reach out to us at [email protected]
  • Donate to the preservation of ancient knowledge and the creation of safe havens for iconic species like the rhino with Tracker Academy and Rhino Guardians  (use the #Londolozi in the subject line)
  • For up-to-date stories follow the @ripple_fund Instagram account.

The trackers of Londolozi are the unsung heroes of conservation, co-creators of an industry that bridges the gap between humans and the natural world. Their story is a powerful reminder of the profound impact that meaningful relationships with our animal kin can have – a legacy that promises hope and inspiration for future generations.

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Shannon Dawson

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