Video Gaming
The Latest ‘Marvel Snap’ Update Gives Hawkeye Hope, Tunes Conquest Mode, and More – TouchArcade
At the time I’m writing this, we’re yet to get the details on the next season of Marvel Snap (Free) that will kick off early next week, so I’m just going to make do with what I have and leave the mysteries for another day. What we do have is a fresh over-the-air update to look at, and while it isn’t quite as earth-shaking for the meta as the last one, it presents some interesting new possibilities. We’ve got the usual character balance tweaks, plus a little adjustment to the popular Conquer mode. Let’s break it all down.
The good news is that this time it’s buffs all the way down. No one is going to have to rewrite their decks from scratch, and that’s a good thing given how close we are to the end of the current season. That said, I think there is some big news here for some of the buffed cards, and certain decks might be able to take advantage.
First up, Hawkeye. While it’s somewhat in his character to be the Avenger that gets kicked around and disrespected, he’s essentially been a non-issue in Marvel Snap since the game had its global launch. Maybe before, too. I wasn’t playing in the soft launch. He’s a 1-Cost 1-Power card with the On Reveal ability to gain +2 Power if you play a card in the same location next turn. A small gain that wasn’t really worth signaling a big part of your next move to your opponent. Well, now his ability offers +3 Power, and that’s a pretty big boost. Bounce decks in particular might want to incorporate him now.
Next, Captain Marvel. She’s an interesting card, 5-Cost 6-Power, with the ability to fly at the end to whatever location will win the game, if possible. I’ve often found the issue with her is that there are a lot of better 5-Cost cards you can play that are a bit more reliable. Well, now she’s a 4-Cost 5-Power card with the same ability. That makes her a lot more versatile, especially for decks built around Zabu. I’m looking forward to seeing where she pops up.
The remaining buffs are simple Power boosts. Vision goes from 5-Cost 7-Power to 5-Cost 8-Power, keeping him under the critical Shang-Chi safety line while also making him a bit stronger. Hulkbuster gets a similar 1-Power boost, going from 3-Cost 4-Power to 3-Cost 5-Power. Absorbing Man gets a big beef-up, going from 4-Cost 3-Power to 4-Cost 5-Power. I’m not sure how much things will change for the first two, but I expect to see Absorbing Man more often now.
Outside of the card buffs, another thing has been improved: the Medal earn rate in Conquest Mode. You get a lot more for your wins in Silver Conquest now, and a bit more for wins in Gold and Infinity Conquests. A nice little pot sweetener.
Anyway, that’s the lot for this update. We should have news of the new season soon, but I’m not sure when that particular eagle will land. What do you think of these changes? Do they affect any of your decks? Are you going to be adding any of these cards? Let us know down in the comments, if you’re that-way inclined.
Shaun Musgrave
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