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The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 12/21/2023


Media Bias Fact Check selects and publishes fact checks from around the world. We only utilize fact-checkers who are either a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) or have been verified as credible by MBFC. Further, we review each fact check for accuracy before publishing. We fact-check the fact-checkers and let you know their bias. When appropriate, we explain the rating and/or offer our own rating if we disagree with the fact-checker. (D. Van Zandt)

Claim Codes: Red = Fact Check on a Right Claim, Blue = Fact Check on a Left Claim, Black = Not Political/Conspiracy/Pseudoscience/Other

Fact Checker bias rating Codes: Red = Right-Leaning, Green = Least Biased, Blue = Left-Leaning, Black = Unrated by MBFC

FALSE Claim by James Woods: Joe Biden’s net worth was $41 million in 2022.

Politifact rating: False (His published financial disclosures, tax filings and news reports point to a net worth of around $10 million, not $41 million as actor James Woods’ X post said.)

Biden’s net worth is around $10 million, not $41 million

FALSE Claim via Social media: Vaccines cause SIDS, which should be called VIDS.

USA Today rating: False (Multiple studies show no increased rates of SIDS among vaccinated infants, and one metanalysis found they are less likely to die of SIDS. VIDS is not a term used by medical professionals.)

What causes SIDS? Not vaccines. Fact check on SIDS/VIDS viral rumor

TRUE Claim by Nikki Haley (R): “We’ve had more Americans die of fentanyl than the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam Wars, combined.”

PolitiFact rating: True (About 65,300 soldiers died in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined. About 127,000 Americans died from drug overdoses involving a synthetic opioid other than methadone in 2020 and 2021, federal data shows. These deaths are primarily because of fentanyl.)

Haley is correct that fentanyl deaths top casualties from 3 wars combined

Nikki Haley Rating

Claim by Viral Image: A post allegedly shows an entry on the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) website listing “Killing Children is Morally Wrong” as an anti-semitic slogan.

Check Your Fact rating: False (The photo is digitally fabricated. No such entry exists on the ADL website.)

FACT CHECK: No, The ADL Did Not List ‘Killing Children Is Morally Wrong’ As An Anti-Semitic Slogan

FALSE Claim via Social Media: The Catholic church has changed its stance on same-sex marriage.

WKYC rating: False (The Catholic church has not changed its stance on same-sex marriage. While Pope Francis formally allowed Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples, the Catholic Church still affirms that marriage is only between a man and a woman.)

No, the Catholic church hasn’t changed its stance on same-sex marriage

FALSE (International: Australia): Manufacturing an electric vehicle (EV) battery produces the same amount of CO2 as running a petrol car for eight years.

Australian Associated Press rating: False (Manufacturing EV batteries produces roughly a quarter of the CO2 from running a petrol car over eight years.)

EV critics stuck in slow lane with battery bashing

Disclaimer: We are providing links to fact-checks by third-party fact-checkers. If you do not agree with a fact check, please directly contact the source of that fact check.

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