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The Latest Climax Technique, Revealed


The Latest Climax Technique, Revealed

Sex trends ebb and flow much of the same way that trends in fashion, music and pop culture do. Someone tries out a new thing, whether it’s a different way of wearing a pair of jeans or a new baseline put to lyrics and, before you know it, everyone’s doing it. So, what’s the next trend when it comes to masturbation techniques? These days, some men will tell you that it’s injaculation.

If you’re not familiar with the term, you’re not alone. Even though there has been little done in the way of research on the topic (and there’s still dispute among some people over whether or not it’s actually possible), the act has apparently gained popularity with certain holistic groups as well as from bloggers who tout the benefits of doing so regularly.

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Here’s a look at what it means, the pros and cons, and — if you’re inclined to do so — how to try it on your own.

1. What is Injaculation?

As you may have guessed, injaculation is, essentially, the opposite of ejaculation. “Orgasm and ejaculation are two separate physiologic processes even though they both occur at the same time or back to back,” explains Jamin Brahmbhatt, M.D., urologist at Orlando Health.

“However you can have one and not the other. In urology we call [injaculation] retrograde ejaculation. This is where your ejaculate goes backwards into the bladder and then you eventually urinate it out.”

According to Dr. Brahmbhatt, certain men are more likely to experience injaculation based on their medical history. “Medically we see this in men as a side effect of prostate medications, surgeries to open up the prostate channel, or men with spinal cord injuries,” he says.

Sexual psychophysiologist Dr. Nicole Prause says that what’s being dubbed as “injaculation” also goes by another name, and is seen as less than desirable in her line of work — meaning, that lack of ejaculation signifies a problem.

“Anejaculation, when ejaculate does not emerge, is usually exactly as described as ‘injaculation,'” she explains. “It also may be that ejaculate is not being produced, or other physical problems. Anejaculation and injaculation are not different — it is a lack of expelled fluid at times when it typically is expected, especially during contractions associated with orgasm.”

As for who’s more likely to be able to perform the act, Dr. Prause says that age is a factor. “Most commonly, anejaculation is due to a weakened bladder neck, such as can occur with advancing age,” she explains.

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“Pressure is necessary to expel ejaculation. The bladder neck closes during this time to support that pressure. By putting enough pressure beyond the expulsion pressure, such as by pressing firmly midshaft in the middle of the penis, the bladder neck often can be forced open. This causes ejaculate to go back into the bladder, where it comes out in the urine later. This is so diluted, men are unlikely to notice that ejaculate in their urine.”

What Real Men Say:

“I experienced injaculation accidentally a few times before trying to make it happen on purpose,” says David, 26.

“One time I was getting a blowjob from an ex-girlfriend and I definitely finished, but nothing came out, and the whole thing felt good but different than what I was used to. I Googled a bunch and realized what had happened, and tried to recreate it. It’s kind of a weird process and for me it felt a lot more mental than anything I physically did to make it happen — although I’m in my head a lot, so that might just be me. But I do think that injaculating has made a difference in the way that I experience orgasms normally.”

2. Is Injaculation Good for You?

As far as hard facts about whether or not injaculation offers any type of health benefits, the research on this act is virtually non-existent. However, there are plenty of injaculation enthusiasts that claim it leads to a more powerful orgasm — especially followers of holistic practices and beliefs.

“Men who practice it list many benefits,” explains tantra instructor Helena Nista. “Sperm is full of nourishing minerals and elements that men don’t loose during injaculation, this then leads to higher levels of strength, vitality and wellbeing, more creativity, better clarity of thinking etc.”

Of course, all of this is self reported. But when practiced often enough, Nista says this can be leveraged for other sexual benefits in the vein of tantric sex. “There is also a much more advanced method, coming from the tantric and taoist traditions, where men can train their bodies to injaculate naturally, using awareness, relaxation and muscle control,” she explains.

But while each person’s experience may differ, Dr. Brahmbhatt says to keep in mind that it’s all anecdotal. “There are some individuals that feel if you can learn to ‘injaculate’ on your own you can prolong that euphoric feeling that comes with orgasm,” he explains.

“I don’t think there is any good science behind this theory. There are no known long term benefits or side effects to injaculation. I think it comes down to more a man being able to completely control and focus his mind during orgasm. The more a man is focused the more he may feel ‘good.’ I would be wary of any health claims that are found in blogs.”

The benefits associated with injaculation also stem from the idea that the sperm that doesn’t get released somehow makes its way into the bloodstream — which Dr. Brahmbhatt says is unlikely. “This is not medically proven and impossible based on my education,” he says.

Dr. Prause echos this sentiment. “There is nothing magical about this process,” she says. “It does not confer any health benefits. It is not known to be an effective method for birth control or STI reduction. It is just another quirk of the human body. It is not something to strive for nor necessarily avoid, unless you are trying to conceive (in which case you want the maximum amount of ejaculate to reach the vaginal canal).”

Although injaculation may have one benefit for your partner. “Some women use this as a strategy to avoid swallowing ejaculate following oral sex,” Dr. Prause says.  

3. How to Injaculate

Because so much of what’s know about injaculation is either anecdotal — or is caused by a medical complication, aging or other factors often beyond your control, laying out a clear guide to injaculating successfully is a bit of a challenge. But if you’re curious enough to give it a shot, Dr. Prause has a few suggestions for what may work.

“To see if your bladder’s valve is susceptible, you can press firmly at the very start of ejaculation in the middle of the penis shaft, such as with your thumb,” she explains. “In this way, you can release quickly if you experience any discomfort. This will not be effective in some men, depending on the physical features of their bladder neck.”   

Dr. Brahmbhatt agrees that explaining a surefire way to injaculate isn’t straightforward — and what information is available online that details how to do so should be taken with a grain of salt. “Some of the claims have not been tested or proven to be effective,” he explains. “If there was a good medical way to educate men I would do it in the office — but there isn’t.”

Still, where there’s a will there may be a way. “You can try to hold your penis, try to control your mind, but it’s all anecdotal,” he says. “Some say you should press your perineum to find that ‘G’ spot. All the pressure is doing is compressing your urethra and muscles around where your ejaculate comes out. So essentially you are blocking the flow of the ejaculate from forward to backward.”

What Real Men Say:

“There are a few diagrams online that helped me injaculate the first time,” says Kevin, 29. “If you haven’t found it yet, play around with your perineum. From my research it’s not in the exact same spot on everyone, but if you feel around long enough between your butt hole and your balls you’ll find it — it’s kind of hard and feels like a small nut. You want to press on it between your fingers hard enough so that you can feel that you’re applying pressure there, but not so hard that it actually hurts (which I learned the hard way the first few times I tried to do this unsuccessfully — and woke up sore the next morning).”

“That’s the basics as far as the physical part of it goes,” he continues. “If you’ve never meditated before, I think having that experience helps you get there when you’re trying to injaculate. A lot of my mental focus was inward, and the first time I did this successfully I was visualizing a river that was running reversely which I think really helped. I’ve talked to other guys in forums about this especially on the holistic end of it, and they say that having your mind in the right place can make or break whether or not you can do it even if you’re following the physical instructions exactly, so something to keep in mind when you’re trying it. Don’t expect to get it on the first shot, either. It took me a few times but I’ve read stories of guys trying for months before it finally worked.”

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