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This post is syndicated by the Las Vegas Advisor for the 888 casino group. Anthony Curtis comments on the 888 article introduced and linked to on this page.

AC Says: Although the term is never used, at its core, this article is about expected value (EV). What makes it different from most on the subject is that it describes how EV should be calculated when the primary objective is profit. If you’re playing professionally, or at least with a serious intent of making money, you have to consider all related expenses in your EV equation. Just because a game is good in and of itself doesn’t always mean it’s the best option available when you consider the all-important bottom line. One suggestion I’ll add that applies to any level player is that you keep a record of your results. Although short-term results can paint a misleading picture due to fluctuation, the empirical evidence will help in alerting you to areas that you might want to look at more closely in evaluating your game.

This article was written by Nicholas Colon in association with 888Casino.

In a previous article I explored how to mathematically evaluate the results of any given casino game that the player is attempting to gain an advantage over. In that discussion I explored how one can relate their theoretical win with their actual win. From this we were able to determine whether our results, good or bad, were in range of the standard deviations of gaming theory. The application was then able to be spread across any game in the casino. It was a universal approach.

The purely mathematical evaluation is vital to determine whether or not we are a consistent winning player, yet it is only one variable in a multivariable equation, or when you ask yourself “Am I truly beating the casino?”

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