As the legal hemp market expands, more manufacturers are developing ways to extract the max cannabinoids and terpenes from this fascinating plant. CBD-rich concentrates like shatter, diamonds, and budder have become top sellers in many dispensaries. However, only live resin has earned high praise as the “champagne” of hemp concentrates.

Unlike many other hemp concentrates, live resin isn’t best known for its high cannabinoid concentrations. While the CBD levels in live resin are high, they aren’t the reason this extract has gained such significant attention. Anyone interested in the latest innovations in the CBD concentrate space must learn what CBD live resin is all about.

Live resin is a relatively new hemp extract best known for its exceptionally high concentrations of aromatic terpenes. The reason live resin has such a strong flavor profile is due to a special “flash-freezing” technique. First developed in Colorado, this extraction process involves quickly freezing fresh hemp flowers before putting them through a butane extraction chamber.

Hemp terpenes are at their peak concentrations immediately after harvest. Since these compounds are so volatile, many will inevitably wear off during drying, curing, and manufacturing. The only way to keep these terpenes intact throughout the extraction process is to freeze fresh flowers and use specific temperature-controlled extraction procedures.

All of this hard work results in the most flavorful CBD extract in the…

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