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The Grocery Row Garden at the End of August | The Survival Gardener
Though it’s been very hot and quite dry, the Grocery Row Garden still looks pretty good:
The ginger and taro bas been quite unhappy with the heat, and many plants have some sunburn, yet the cassava and sweet potatoes look good and should still give us plenty of yield.
The Musa basjoo plants are burned, but still growing.
The edible D. bulbifera is really a lovely plant, too. It’s gorgeous. As you’ll see in the video, one of my trellises completely collapsed and killed some of their vines, yet they had already produced some bulbils so we still have planting material for next spring. The ones growing on the cattle panel trellis are just fine, though, and making many more bulbils than those on their fallen brethren.
Yesterday I bought more plums and peaches for my children to eat, and they’ve been busy separating pits from flesh so we can have many more free trees to add to the yard.
There are two seedling plums in the food forest right now, and they are growing well. This is one of them:
The cassava and canna are getting taller than me now:
And spiders are starting to move into the space, which is a very good sign of a healthy ecosystem:
As for a fall annual garden and getting the weeding done in the Grocery Rows, we’ve just been waiting for the heat to break. It’s been awful.
There is a chance of thunderstorms this evening, which could bring us some rain. St. Isidore, pray for us!
Have a great Tuesday.
David The Good
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