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The Five Minute Read


Zero Waste Day bike donation

LITTLETON — The Littleton Environmental Club at Littleton High School hosts a Zero Waste Day bike donation event on Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Littleton Middle School, 55 Russell St.

The goal is to help collect and repurpose bikes that Bikes Not Bombs will use in local programming and for shipment to international partners. An optional donation of $20 with every bicycle donated will be put toward tools and parts needed for repairs, as well as transportation costs associated with sending refurbished bikes overseas. All donated bikes are eligible for tax deductions.

For more information, contact Sam Archer at

Annual spring plant sale

LOWELL — Mill City Grows 9th Annual Seed Swap and Annual Spring Plant Sale takes place Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., UMass East Campus, Rist Urban Agriculture Greenhouse & Farm, 69 Pawtucket Boulevard.

Purchase locally grown fruit, vegetable and herb plants, enjoy a farmers’ market, as well as locally made products from vendors Craic Sauce, F-Word Farm, Fat Moon Mushrooms, The Merrimack Company and Taste the Acre.

All seedlings are grown and cultivated by Mill City Grows. Attendees are invited to bring extra seeds or garden favorites to swap. Funds raised will support healthy food access and education programs. Cash, debit, and credit will be accepted at the plant sale, and SNAP/EBT/HIP (Healthy Incentives Program) will be accepted for fruit and vegetable plants.

For information on payment discounts and options, call 978-455-2620.

Friends of the Pollard Library used book sale donations

LOWELL — Friends of the Pollard Memorial Library are accepting donations of good condition adult and children’s books, audiobooks, DVDs and CDs on the next three Saturdays of May 18,  25 and June 1, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Pollard Memorial Library, Ground Floor Meeting Room, 401 Merrimack St.

Donations are limited to two bags/boxes per person. VHS tapes, audiocassettes, textbooks, encyclopedias or magazines are not accepted. Thousands of items will be for sale at the book sale, which runs Thursday, June 6 through Saturday, June 8. A preview for Friends members takes place Thurs., June 6, from 5 to 6 p.m. The general public sale starts Thursday, June 6, from 6 to 7 p.m.; Friday, June 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturday, June 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

To volunteer, email For information, call 978-674-4120.

Chelmsford quilters show

CHELMSFORD — The biannual Quilt Show takes place Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., through Sunday, May 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Chelmsford Senior Center, 75 Groton Road.

The show features more than 100 traditional, modern and art quilts made by members, a members boutique, silent auction of mini quilts, themed raffle baskets and quilting demonstrations. Show vendors include Bits ‘n Pieces Quilt Shop of Pelham NH and the National Sharpening Company. This year, a charity quilt raffle will benefit Lowell Transitional Living Center which will receive a portion of proceeds from ticket sales.

Admission is $10; free for children under 12. Cash or check only.  Building is wheelchair accessible and there is free parking. For more information, visit

Westford prepares for Apple Blossom Parade

WESTFORD — The annual Apple Blossom Parade, set to be held on Saturday, will require detours and some road closures from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 12:30 p.m.

The effected roads include Main Street, Depot Street, Hildreth Street, Lincoln Street, Forge Village Road, Graniteville Road, and Boston Road, as well as some secondary roads. Residents and commuters are encouraged to seek an alternative route during the above time.

Police, fire and emergency medical services will not be disrupted by the road closures.


Melanie Gilbert

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