Boston, Massachusetts Local News
The Five Minute Read
Public feedback for HUD funding programs
LOWELL — The city Department of Planning and Development invites the public to participate in the review and feedback process for the fiscal 2024-2025 Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. This action plan outlines the spending priorities for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program and Emergency Solutions Grant funds, which work to enhance diversity of the city’s neighborhoods, preserve and create affordable housing and build environmental resilience.
To view the plan, visit,
Comments should be submitted via email to by Wednesday, May 15, at 5 p.m. For more information, call 978-674-4252.
Flag-raising ceremony
LOWELL — In addition to the flags customarily flown at JFK Plaza, the city commemorates flags from many countries during the year. On Friday, May 17, at 10 a.m., the public is invited to a flag-raising ceremony for Haiti. The outdoor event is held in front of City Hall, 375 Merrimack St.
For a list of flag-raising dates, visit To schedule a flag-raising ceremony at City Hall, submit an application to the Office of Cultural Affairs and Special Events three to four weeks prior to the date of the flag-raising at For information, call 978-674-1482 or email
Open House, food drive
CHELMSFORD — The Department of Public Works hosts an Open House on Saturday, May 18, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., at 9 Alpha Road. Attendees can touch a truck and see equipment demonstrations. A kids’ area includes a coloring contest, face painting and other free activities, as well as popcorn and cotton candy.
As part of Public Works Appreciation Week, which takes place at the end of May each year, the Chelmsford DPW is collecting food for the Chelmsford Food Pantry. Residents are encouraged to help fill a dump truck with donated food. Children enrolled in a Chelmsford school who bring a food donation to the Open House will be entered in a raffle to win a DPW parade escort to school.
For a list of food donation drop-off points, visit
This event will occur rain or shine. In the event of rain, the Open House and touch-a-truck will be held indoors. For information, call 978-250-5200 or 978-250-5228.
Rabies vaccination and microchip clinic
LOWELL — A rabies inoculation and microchip clinic for dogs and cats will be held at the Lowell Humane Society, 951 Broadway St., from 9 a.m. to noon on Sunday, May 19.
Owners must bring their pet’s previously issued rabies certificate to the clinic so that veterinarians can determine whether the pet needs either a one- or three-year vaccination series. Pets that have previously received a three-year vaccination at any point in the past may receive another three-year vaccination.
All dogs must be kept on a fixed — not retractable — leash. Cats must be in carriers. The fee is $20 per animal per vaccine or microchip. Registration required. To register, go to For information, call 978-452-7781, email
Melanie Gilbert
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